Tinmouse II v1.1 released

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Tinmouse II v1.1 released

Post by speedbird591 »

Bob Scott has released a comprehensive update to the Tinmouse 737-200 panel on Avsim (tinmouse2_b732_v1_1.zip). If any of you closet Boeing fans (Dan? :wink: ) haven't tried this yet, then you should do. It has alternative config files to work seamlessly with the Tinmouse, FFX/Cantu (my choice) or Flight 1 aircraft. The update doesn't include any aircraft and will install over the top of the v1 panel if you have it.

The panel and systems are now 95% operational and new sound files for cockpit and engines are included in the update. It supports the CIVA INS and Reality XP WX-500 weather radar and includes a fully operational PDCS computer. Fortunately for the technically challenged, like myself, it's not necessary to use these to fly it although there is a moderate learning curve to switching on the essential systems :roll:

It is a 2D-only panel of excellent quality and the aircraft is stable with the right amount of response. It is one of the most satisfying freeware packages around and is a work-in-progress with even more improvements on the way. There is also a very helpful, dedicated support forum on Avsim for FAQs and advice (http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az= ... &forum=253).

My approaches and landings are consistently better with this panel/aircraft than any other, except perhaps the VC10 :dance: Great for improving your confidence and you won't get fed up with it quickly either.

Cheers for now,

Ian :smile:

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Post by alemaobaiano »


I downloaded the beast, tried it.....and agree with you completely :dance:

It flies very nicely, it is complex enough for button pushers, and the INS is one of the best things around.

It won't replace the budgie as my favourite toy, but it has a place on my HD.
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