Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

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Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

Post by J0hn »

I bought a dev licence for P3D last weekend. Downloaded overnight and installed on Monday. By Thursday I had most of my favourite FSX add-ons installed and I have to say it looks very good.
Took me a couple of days to warm to the GUI, but I now prefer it, as it is much quicker than the FSX one (such as when changing aircraft - as there is no main menu as such).
Anyway, no framerate issues at all and I tested it with time accelerated up to 64x and had no issues whatsoever.

I have installed a few freeware add-ons and quite a few payware. It was only after installing and testing for 3 days that I came across the first payware prog that refused to install (error - could not confirm FSX version) and then I used the infamous registry tool and changed the path to my P3D one and it went just fine.
All of the add-ons have worked flawlessly (I did have to purchase an extra licence to use REXE Plus in P3D, but it's only about £3). Most stuff goes in when you point the installer to P3D with the "Browse..." button (I did copy all the FS exe files to the root P3D folder in anticipation of those progs that look for it).

The things I was a little concerned about - firstly the GUI, but as I said, I warmed to it very quickly. Secondly was the lack of AI aircraft. There were plenty of them on the ground, but not a single one flying. P3D uses the default FSX aircraft as AI - so you get all the standard MSFS fictional airlines at your airports. I tried to install UT2, but every single time I try and do that - to FSX or P3D - it messes me about something chronic. So for the first time in years, I installed TrafficX and the Military pluspak and it works very well.
I'm also not convinced about the scenery. I haven't used default FSX for so long, that the P3D scenery might be just the same - but it was pretty awful, so I installed my faves (UTX and GEX) again, without issue. That works fine, but you can actually see where the scenery detail is 'filling in' a few miles in front of your aircraft. That's a bit naff, to be honest, but it may just require some settings tweaking - so I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt.

Why a dev licence? Well, firstly because the "all changing" version 2 is mooted to be close to release and buyers of v1 will have to buy a new licence. The dev licence allows you to pay $9.95 per month - and stop or miss any month you like. So if you don't like it, or aren't going to fly for a while you can simply miss a month or two, or stop paying completely.
Also, I'm hoping that the Flight1 scenery editing progs will work with it - I had fun with them in FSX, but I'd like to do some more serious stuff in P3D - such as model some local strips. I also want to see how my homebrew paint jobs look - which comes under the "Dev Network" criteria. When v2 comes out, if I really like it, I'll probably buy a full licence straight out.

What is working so far from FSX? This:

French Airports
Papua New Guinea Bush Flying
All Capt Sim so far
All SymFlyer gauges
All alphasim so far
FSX Enhanced Autogen (AVSIM)
All Just Flight so far
UTX Europe
A2A aircraft (AccuFeel went straight in - Shockwave3D Lights doesn't - has to be copied over from FSX)
GEX Europe
All Iris products
MilViz T-38
All freeware airfields
All Wilco so far
All freeware aircraft so far

and so on. PMDG have stressed that their licence doesn't cover use in P3D so I'm not going to say that I installed the Jetstream JS4100 or that it works perfectly.

I have quite a bit of stuff (I don't use FTX/OrbX as it has given me nothing but problems in FSX, though I may try it in P3D if/when I can afford FTX global) so if there is anything in particular that someone would like tesing in P3D - give me a shout and I'll test it if I have it. I've not yet tested DaveM's classics, but their turn will come shortly and I see no reason why they wouldn't work. In the meantime, if I come across something that definitely doesn't work, I'll be sure to mention it.

So, for me, so far it's a :thumbsup:

PS - forgot to mention; I have both FSX and P3D installed side by side on the same hard drive, working just fine.

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Re: Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

Post by TSR2 »

Hi John,

The Dev license certainly makes sense given the imminent arrival of V2 and almost all FSX stuff will work in 1.4, but with v2 its a whole different ball game as there will be no backwards compatibility with FS9 models.

I don't have P3D installed at the moment as i found FSX all round a more user friendly product (for my purpose) but I'm expecting good things from v2. It will be interesting to see how many things don't work in v2 as that will drive community enthusiasm. Remember all the complaints when FSX didn't support FS98 gauges. Interesting times.


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Re: Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

Post by speedbird591 »

Well, it sounds like you've well and truly cracked v1.4, John.

I've been running it since it came out, alongside FSX, but I haven't used FSX at all other than as storage for some of the older FTX scenery which wasn't dual-install at the time. So I've just linked to those in the P3D library. The later scenery (it's all dual-install now and backdated to include their past library) I've put straight into P3D as I don't need to run it in FSX.

So all FTX and Carenado stuff is now dual-install and more developers are joining in but there's always a question mark over what v2.0 might bring with it - or not! Mind you, v1.4, despite being 'unfinished' works well enough enough on it's own and I prefer it to FSX.

A couple of points which you may already know. Most people are using Sim Launcher as their GUI rather than the default P3D one. It's freeware available on Avsim and Flightsim and allows you to set up virtually all the parameters for a flight before selecting it. It saves having to wait for P3D to reset each parameter before moving on to the next one. It's highly recommended, is very nicely done and has excellent support.

You mentioned AI. There is a known bug in v1.4 in that VFR AI aircraft will randomly disappear. There is a line in the P3D config that should read something like [TrafficManager]/IFROnly=0 but when changes are made to the config, that number will change to a random one that causes all aircraft on VFR AI flight plans to disappear. IFR is not affected. LM have said that it is fixed in the v2.0 beta but there's no workaround other than having a shortcut to your config file on your desktop and keep resetting it! This applies to most of the lovely AI that is available from FTX for most of their scenery areas unfortunately. So to enjoy that you have to keep on top of the config setting :doh:

Other than that, the marvellous FSX to P3D Migration tool, otherwise known as The Estonia tool, will fool just about anything into thinking that it's installing into FSX when it's really going into P3D.

The default scenery isn't much different to FSX but I only flew in FTX. I find P3D smoother and more reliable than FSX even at the same frame rates. I can crank up to higher detail and still get better results which is why I never bothered to use FSX once I had P3D installed.

Ian :)

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Re: Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

Post by J0hn »

Thanks for the tips, Ian, I'll have a look at SimLauncher.

I was hoping TrafficX would sort the AI issues, but I didn't think much to it when I bought it - which was why I've used UT2 since. If it doesn't cut the mustard I'll look at the config setting you mention, unless UT2 decides to stop messing me about (the installer accepts the password, but tells me I need activation renewals, then the Flight1 website tells me the password is wrong). I found UT2 so much better than anything else.

Mind you - if VoxATC will work with P3D I'll be using the AI from that :)

It would be nice to know what v2 will bring - but as long as I can use my Acceleration standard add-ons with it, I'm willing to make some sacrifices.

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Re: Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

Post by TSR2 »

From memory its only VFR AI that have a problem, so if your FSX traffic files are using the correct syntax the IFR stuff should be fine. ;)


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Re: Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

Post by JohnD »

I think sim launcher resolves the AI issue. There is a checkbox that re-sets it to zero on startup IIRC.
I haven't used P3D for ages as I am waiting for version 2.

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Re: Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

Post by speedbird591 »

JohnD wrote:I think sim launcher resolves the AI issue. There is a checkbox that re-sets it to zero on startup IIRC.
Yes, it does reset it to zero on startup but it only resolves the issue temporarily. If you make any subsequent adjustment (not all - and I can't remember which ones!) then a random number will replace the zero and you'll have lost the VFR traffic again until you reset it.

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Re: Be prepar3d, son, be prepar3d

Post by JohnD »

Ah OK thanks Ian :doh:

I have the mind of an athlete, but the body of a spectator.

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