Classic British Flight Sim forum.
Support for Maltby/Piper FS models & other Classic British freeware.

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Post by gaab »


When I "discovered" this CBFS plane, I enjoyed her immediatly and I still fly her very regularly. Thanks a lot :)

Now, as a lot of FSX simmers, I am considering a move toward P3DV4.
Checking the HS748, the gauge are written in XML and should not be a stopper to run under P3D.

Unfortunatly the model is compiled for FS9, and despite having everything which makes her a "modern realization", this will be incompatible with P3D.

Any chance to get a re-compiled model for FSX and P3D ?
Just a dream.


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Re: FSDS HS748

Post by DaveG »

Yes, you're right, it wouldn't work in v4. Only Rick has the source model, so it would be up to him. I wouldn't hold your breath though.
Dave G.

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Re: FSDS HS748

Post by Bjoern »

The only thing you may hope for is that Arno, the developer of ModelConverterX, extends the capabilities of the importer for FS9 models to include visibilities and mouse rectangles. That will make converting aircraft much, much easier.

It's not that I haven't considered converting the 748 for FSX, but after the near nightmare that was converting the 1-11, I lost all motivation.
Best practice would be importing the model via MCX into Blender and redo its materials and animations from scratch. This will avoid much of the headache that plagued the 1-11 conversion, but it will take way more time. And model making experience.

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