New guy with a couple of questions

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New guy with a couple of questions

Post by TheFlyingSteve »


I've just joined a few days ago and completed my first couple of training flights in the 146 yesterday. I've already made my first mistake I'm afraid, I left my landing lights on above 10000ft on the return leg, sorry! :( I had some autopilot issues and the check list went out of the window for a bit.

I'm also an active member of Fly UK (hope this is ok), which is a fantastic VA for modern aircraft, but I've always had an interest in classic airliners that Fly UK can't satisfy. I don't get as much time as I'd like for flight simming these days due to work and young children, but when I do I'd rather it be part of a VA than just for the sake of it, so I feel there's a point to the flights, and I really like what you have to offer here. I'd just like to ask a couple of questions as things are a bit different here to Fly UK, I don't want to make any more mistakes if I can avoid it!

1) Does sim time have to match the time of the flight? Do I get penalised if it doesn't?
2) I've read that we can use up to 8 x accelerated time, is this correct? It's quite unusual for a VA to allow this but I'm pleased if I can. With the limited opportunity I get this would allow me to complete some longer flights.

Sorry for the slightly long post!


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Re: New guy with a couple of questions

Post by Airspeed »

Welcome Steve :hello:
Can't answer any of your VA questions, but others will.

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Re: New guy with a couple of questions

Post by DaveB »

Hi Steve :)

Your rating is ever so slightly better the closer you get to the specified flight times (as I understand it) but the difference in any final score is minute. I planned many of the flights as VOR to VOR rather than DTO. The ones John did (which is the vast majority) are roughly DTO with 20mins added for holds, taxi in e t c. Should you wish, you can start your flight at the gate and do whatever is necessary to get to the active runway and takeoff. Likewise, you can taxi in to the gate at your destination but.. neither is necessary. You can open the flight on the active runway and finish it either on the runway or having turned off. As long as the necessary FSA elements have been met.. it's up to you.

DO always start with the parking brakes on and note that the flight will not end until they're on at the other end.

Don't overspeed while taxiing. Above 20kias will get you a ticket.

You CAN use acceleration on flights that allow it. I never used ACC time on any of my flights but it's there should you need it.

Landing lights off above FL100 you've been caught by. Equally.. if you don't have em on for landing.. you'll get pinged. Can't remember the exact number but 1000ft sounds about right. All this info is in the forum so double check if you're unsure.

As far as getting your hours in goes.. you fly when you want to. We have no set requirement. Just be aware that if you don't fly a particular type for 12months.. you will lose the rating on it and will have to complete 2 training flights to requalify. Note also (and this IS important).. you MUST sign into FSA at LEAST once every 90days. If you don't.. FSA's 'autosweep' system will boot you out of there and getting back in is now close to impossible. Last time I tried to get someone back, it WAS impossible. You don't have to do anything.. just login over there and that's enough to keep you active.

It's also worth noting that anything you do on training flights will not impact the VA though it may ultimately affect your pilot rating. As soon as you're 'live' and flying a 'live' flight.. things WILL impact on the VA. Land at the wrong airport and the airlines rating will drop. This means that you won't (nor any other VA pilot) be carrying a full load until customers confidence returns which it will after about half a dozen flights. You don't necessarily do these 'recovery' flights (if I can put it that way). The job is taken on by ALL pilots whether they like it or not. Once the flights are done, the VA reputation returns to 120. Again.. all this is covered in the 'rules' on the forum.

Anything you're not sure of, just fire a question off as you have done with this one ;)
DaveB B)smk
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Re: New guy with a couple of questions

Post by TheFlyingSteve »

Thanks both! :thumbsup:

Thanks for the answers Dave, it all seems very sensible and flexible which I like. I'd read most of the stuff from the threads for new pilots but just wanted to confirm those couple of things.


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