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My HP Halton

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 18:44
by Paul K
While not as good as the Plane-Design 'Lancastrian', it's contemporary the 'Halton', from Alphasim, is a worthwhile addition to your hangar. The cockpit is a bit basic, and for some reason I can't alter the frequency of NAV1 ( anybody know ? :think: ), but with the right sound pack its a very immersive plane to fly.






By the way, I found a 'Friday the 13th' skin for the Alphasim Halifax ( the other half of this package) so I'll take some pics of that soon. :smile:

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 19:11
by Hot_Charlie
Still very nice. One of my favourite of the "new" generation of Alphasim aircraft...

Nice shots :smile:

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 19:32
by Paul K
Thanks Charlie. You don't happen to know how to change the NAV1 frequency, do you ? :think:

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 20:25
by Hot_Charlie
Paul K wrote:Thanks Charlie. You don't happen to know how to change the NAV1 frequency, do you ? :think:
'Fraid not! VFR only in my sim! :lol:

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 20:50
by Debug
i have this and i do recommand it and thr friday the 13th textures are good. make sure to get updated one tho

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 21:03
by DaveB
Not a bad paint that :wink:

Re the Nav1..
I don't have the Halton to hand but look in the aircraft.cfg for the radio section. It will look something like this..

// Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Com.1=1, 0
Com.2=1, 0
Nav.1=1, 0, 1
Nav.2=1, 0, 0

Note I said look something like.. this is off the Victor I think!! Look next to Nav.1= and see what it says. The important thing is that it says 1 after the = which means it is available. I'll dig mine out later and have a look :wink:

[edit] Found it. This is the Halifax radio section..
As I can't remember what the radio stack looks like on the Halifax model, try changing the Nav.1= line to read 1,0,1. Looks like you are trying to change the freq and the cfg says the radio has a standby freq (I doubt it does) :smile:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 21:39
by Paul K
Here's the radio panel in the Halton:


and here's the bit from the aircraft.cfg:


Notice only Com.1 and Nav.1 ( shouldn't there be a Com.2 and Nav.2? ) :think:

I can't alter the frequencies on either COM1 or NAV1. I have a key mapped to Standby Frequency Swap, but this does nothing to. Neither does the key for Nav Radio Select. :k:

Appreciate any help here, DaveB

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 22:15
by Paul K
Dave, I changed Nav.1 to 1,0,1 and I can now change the frequency. (Will do the same for COM1 ) What I can't figure out now is how to switch from NAV1 to NAV2 and back.

You know the sort of thing you set up for arrival after a flight using radio navigation: NAV1 set to the final VOR waypoint, and then you switch to NAV2 which is set to the ILS frequency for your approach... well, can't do it because I can't switch radios.

Had a look through the Alphasim forums and no mention of the Halton/Halifax there, so maybe its time to register and see if anyone knows.

Thanks for the help in the meantime, Dave. At least you got me one radio working, mate. :smile:

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 22:23
by DaveB
Hello mate,

I've had a look at my version too basically, that radio is an old dog that doesn't have standby freq's.

So.. here goes. Com2 is useless so don't bother.
Modify your radio section to read
Marker.1=1 (though I'm not sure if the marker is active)

This will give you one working comms radio, Nav1 operates the Smiths Military HSI (the one with the glideslope) and Nav2 operates the RMI (LH gauge).


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 22:44
by Paul K
Dave, any idea which gauge the ADF uses ?