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32 bit or 16 bit Colour

Posted: 21 May 2006, 16:43
by Jetset
From experience chaps, do you find that having 32 bit colour selected instead of 16 bit, does it really make a difference?

Posted: 21 May 2006, 16:54
by DaveB
Honestly... not much mate. I try and keep both flightsim and my normal desktop at the same res/colour depth and this happens to be 32bit. Flightsim has less farting around to do as does the system as a whole :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 21 May 2006, 16:59
by Dyl Roberts
Same as Dave here - I keep both set @ 32bit

Posted: 21 May 2006, 17:36
by Sl4yer
I have both set to 32-bit.

It doesn't make much of a difference to a modern graphics card - they're designed to run natively at 32-bit anyway. In terms of quality, I'd only really notice when flying at dawn or dusk.


Posted: 21 May 2006, 17:49
by Jetset
Just given it a try, your right there isn't much difference!

Posted: 21 May 2006, 17:50
by Garry Russell
I use 32 bit

I can detect a slight fall off in 16 on some things but go for the high to be sure.


Posted: 21 May 2006, 19:40
by Nigel H-J
Jetset, I have found that there is no noticeable difference between the two however, if you go to 16 bit and view the Trident - BAC1-11 from tower view or external view, you will see a difference with the engine smoke compared to 32 bit but that is about all. Though make sure you have clear skies first.

Posted: 23 May 2006, 14:45
by simtrac
When I was using my old PC, 16 bit would boost my frames quite a bit and in most situations, you couldn't really see much difference - except certain things like the smoke from CaptainSims 707 would be purple (!) and, at night the light from landing/taxi lights on any aircraft would look like it was made up of thousands of tiny white x's.

On my Mac, I can't see any difference at all.