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Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 21:19
by Paul K
Just in case anyone's having problems today with CTDs - it seems you ( and I ) are not the only ones. A massive thread on the MSFS forum: ... dll/537543

Mine are happening in Australia. I had three CTDs there this afternoon, so I rebooted in Safe Mode, and was able to fly the length of the UK in the default Baron, without a hitch. However, as soon as I returned to Oz, CTDs again.

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 23:19
by TSR2
Hi Paul,

Been having them all day, and at first thought it was the Islander. Tried with the Hunter and exactly the same.

Then realised I hadn't set my manual cached areas on this PC (new PC - only installed MSFS today) and while small areas where caching ok, larger ones caused a CTD.

Now the only time I have had an experience similar to this before, it was an Nvidia driver issue. So I uninstalled the Nvidia driver completely, restarted and installed the Studio driver (Driver only - clean install) from May this year and made a flight from Sydenham to IOM in the Islander without problems. then another from Newcastle to Inverness in the Hunter, again, without issue.

Not sure if MS have done something at there end, or the change in the Graphics driver has done the trick, but I am working again. :cpu:

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 23:31
by Vc Ten
Thanks for HU on this Paul. Not flown since Thursday which was what, 18th? I read on msfs thread you posted problems since 14th. Of course they may not all be related. Was going to take a flight tomorrow. See what happens..........
See Ben got in before me. I updated nvidia studio driver earlier last week no issues. In fact I was leaving sim running while parked at the gate at destination before return flight, so sim was up and running most of the day, what 8 hrs or so :dunno:

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 23:39
by TSR2
It seems to be related to the streaming of data from their servers. There are two different errors with two different threads but I was getting them both happening. As I said, it didn't seem to be anything to do with the graphics driver, but thought it was worth a punt and either through coincidence or luck mine is working again :lol:

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 23:56
by Paul K
Ben, I also thought it was the Islander at first. I queried why flying in the UK is fine and flying in Australia isn't and here's a possible answer: ... 17?u=lwtxb

So, while you are okay flying from Sydenham, you won't be okay flying from Sydney. I hope they fix it soon, because I'm stuck at Brisbane, and can't fly any further north.

Dale, are you just flying in the UK at the moment ?

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 22 Aug 2022, 00:05
by TSR2
I had been getting a CTD every roughly 10 minutes in the UK earlier. I see the current thinking is it may be link to which regional servers you are connected via. They seem to be suggesting if you are connecting via the European servers there are issues, but not if connecting via the North American servers for example. (this isn’t the region you are flying in, but rather which region of Microsofts servers you are getting your data feed from).

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 22 Aug 2022, 00:27
by Paul K
By the way, Ben, what are your new PC specs, and where did you get it from ? :)

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 22 Aug 2022, 08:13
by TSR2
I got it from the Dell Outlet. Its an i9 12000 series (can’t remember the exact version) with a 3080 10Gb graphics card and 32Gb RAM.
Pretty happy with it so far, but haven't really used it for a proper flight as such, just a few hours yesterday.
Once I got over the CTD issues its been very smooth, frame rates “seem” higher, but I haven’t tried it with the dev tools yet to see what they actually are.

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 22 Aug 2022, 13:50
by Paul K
That sounds nice, Ben. It'll definitely do MSFS justice. :thumbsup:

Still watching out for announcements about the CTD problem.

Re: Current CTDs on MSFS.

Posted: 22 Aug 2022, 14:24
by TSR2
Well so far I’ve been up about 45 minutes with no problems.