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Posted: 17 Aug 2020, 21:58
by paul26may
Not sure if this has already been asked but does anyone know if it will be possible to add freeware from FS2004 and FSX to FS2020? Would love to fly the likes of VC10 in the new sim. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: FS2020

Posted: 17 Aug 2020, 23:11
by TSR2
No. :lol:

Its completely different and will need developers to re do their models. Its a completely new sim.

Re: FS2020

Posted: 18 Aug 2020, 08:54
by Scorpius
Would anyone here be willing to post a video review without the following;

An irritating voice over

Background music

This would allow us to judge the sim including the sound.

Cheers guys, the ones one youtube are all full of themselves.


Re: FS2020

Posted: 18 Aug 2020, 12:26
by Nigel H-J
Yep, agree!! Voices and music are a pain in the @rse when you just want to watch a video on You Tube. Bet some are linking music to videos in breach of copy-right though.


Re: FS2020

Posted: 18 Aug 2020, 17:22
by Archer
Not a full review, but it provides an initial impression:

Re: FS2020

Posted: 19 Aug 2020, 00:22
by blanston12
I have read there will be a way to import FSX native aircraft in a legacy mode but have not actually seen it yet.

I did some experiments with an early alpha with FSX native aircraft, I was able to get them to fly, but the gauges did not work, I have not tried it recently so I don't know if its different. I have downloaded the SDK so hope to find out.

Re: FS2020

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 11:36
by keithb77x
you can import FSX-native models into MSFS, need to have 3D-modelled gauges to be worth doing.
I've imported several older Aircraft Heaven models that work well (BoB Spitfire and Hurricane), also Ant's Tiger Moth demo, GAS Stearman demo.
FC Lancaster surprisingly good :)
Was looking for Dave Garwood's Hunter but can't get the library download to work...any idea's where it is best downloaded from now?

Re: FS2020

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 11:56
by DaveG
The Hunter download here should work. :dunno:
I did try it myself in MSFS, but it was mostly invisible in sim. All the models I've tried so far have some sort of problem. Personally, I'd rather wait for proper native models. ;)

Re: FS2020

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 12:45
by TSR2
Agree with Dave, even models with XML gauges have issues with materials etc. I am curious, how did you get a landable ship into MSFS? :worried:

Re: FS2020

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 17:39
by keithb77x
Sorry, that's a bit of a fudge - it's not landable yet, MCX has a function to add hard decks to objects, I was going to try that.
I was an alpha tester hamster so I'm a bit bored with the default planes, but you're probably right about waiting.

I can only get pictures of the Hunter in the library ... clicked all the ZIP icons, no joy. I got it from Rikooo. All textures fine apart from the main instruments are covered by white disks - probably a missing reflective texture, should be fixable.
Jets mostly don't fly at all yet in MSFS, but Rob Richardsons Meteor F3, does (just) and looks lovely.
Engine power is off, next thing to fix then should be good :)