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Flying Boats

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 16:18
by dodger

I came across this and as i was born in Rochester Kent UK where Shorts built some of their aircraft, as a boy in the late 40s i used to see the planes parked on the River Medway in fact i think back in the late 1970s there was a Sunderland still parked on the river and it is now in Australia.

In the late 1930s my Uncle being a skinny chap used to work inside the wings of the Sunderland at Rochester until being called up to the Royal Navy in 1939.

There is nothing left of Shorts except part of a slipway on the waters edge of the river.

i can not get the film at the start so just scroll back.



Re: Flying Boats

Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 21:48
by Molyned
Thanks ! a most interesting video. Ah! the old days. :((
Cheers :cheers:
Dave M(oly)

Re: Flying Boats

Posted: 21 Nov 2017, 21:50
by Filonian
Thanks for posting a most interesting subject Roger :thumbsup:
