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Solent Sky Museum Raided

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 11:02
by Garry Russell

Re: Solen Sky Museum Raided

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 13:51
by FlyTexas
Unbelievable. :(( Hopefully when they try to sell the items they get busted.


Re: Solen Sky Museum Raided

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 18:37
by PeteP
We can but hope, Brian, but, as the thieves seemed to know exactly what they were after and where it was kept, I suspect it's a "stolen-to-order" job. If it was, the likelihood is that it will disappear into a private collection somewhere, never to see the light of day again.

Re: Solent Sky Museum Raided

Posted: 18 Mar 2015, 04:25
by FlyTexas
Very true, Pete. What a horrible (and selfish) way to dishonor Mr. Mitchell's memory. Sad. :((


Re: Solent Sky Museum Raided

Posted: 05 Apr 2015, 22:34
by PeteP
The local TV news has just reported that the cigarette case has been returned anonymously to the museum. Someone's conscience has been pricked? Maybe there is hope for this world yet. :welldone:

Re: Solent Sky Museum Raided

Posted: 05 Apr 2015, 22:47
by Paul K
In that case, only remove one of his testicles with a rusty cheese wire.

Re: Solent Sky Museum Raided

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 04:51
by FlyTexas
Hurray!! :welldone: :welldone:


Re: Solent Sky Museum Raided

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 10:52
by TobyV
Unbelievable, but excellent they've got it back. Solent Sky is a quiet kind of a place, just a large 90s sardine-can piece of architecture in a quieter part of the city, so when I initially read the article, I assumed it was just some chancers breaking in and nicking a few random bits n pieces, but yes, sounds like someone who knew what they were looking for and where to find it.

Good that it has been returned, but I hope the police still catch whoever did it, and perhaps more importantly, as was alluded to, whoever put them up to it as this sounds almost certainly like a "to order" job.