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Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 01:53
by Airspeed
Just a thought......

Education is knowing the difference between a triolet and a toilet.

Re: Education

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 06:10
by nigelb

Well most of my triolets ended up in the toilet!


Re: Education

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 09:21
by Garry Russell
Being stupid on the other hand is not knowing what a triolet is :dunno: ...(shows a spelling error here) *-)


Re: Education

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 12:00
by Airspeed
Garry Russell wrote:Being stupid on the other hand is not knowing what a triolet is :dunno: ...(shows a spelling error here) *-)

I'm writing this with caution, Garry, in case you're tricking me and I haven't seen the catch!
You're probably linked to the old Funk & Wagnall, Garry. BTW, saw a set of F&W at the tip on Sunday, but Mrs Airspeed made low growling noises, so I stepped away.

Re: Education

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 12:05
by Garry Russell
Nope...don't even know what Funk and Wagnall is?? :help:

I suppose I could Google *-) ...but as it stands I'm even more confused than trick...just don't have a clue :lol:

:stupid: :stupid:

Re: Education

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 07:20
by Airspeed
Garry Russell wrote:Nope...don't even know what Funk and Wagnall is?? :help:

I suppose I could Google *-) ...but as it stands I'm even more confused than trick...just don't have a clue :lol:

:stupid: :stupid:
Now then, Garry, I would not accept stupid in any description of you. Triolet is simply a word which hasn't made itself known to you.
TBH I only tripped over it by accident, (also known as "clumsy!"), and its similarity to toilet struck me as the basis for a comment. More on the word below.

FUNK & WAGNALL (US encyclopedia):
(transcribed from my memory)
In the 1960s, there was a US comedy series called "Laugh In" (love ins were popular at the time - Woodstock etc.) It was a fast - moving show packed with one - liners and characters with catch phrases like "Here come the judge, here come the judge." Whenever someone queried a word or fact, the camera went to a regular, who would tell them to "Look it up in your Funk & Wagnall!"
In context, and at that time, it was funny, though it may not seem so as you read this. Goldie Hawn was a weekly member of the gang.

TRIOLET(copied from the web):
The triolet is a short poem of eight lines with only two rhymes used throughout. The requirements of this fixed form are straightforward: the first line is repeated in the fourth and seventh lines; the second line is repeated in the final line; and only the first two end-words are used to complete the tight rhyme scheme. Thus, the poet writes only five original lines, giving the triolet a deceptively simple appearance: ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines.
In "How Great My Grief," Hardy displays both his mastery of the triolet and the potency of the form:

How great my grief, my joys how few,
Since first it was my fate to know thee!
- Have the slow years not brought to view
How great my grief, my joys how few,
Nor memory shaped old times anew,
Nor loving-kindness helped to show thee
How great my grief, my joys how few,
Since first it was my fate to know thee?

I've never written a triolet in my life, I'm not that educated.

Re: Education

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 09:12
by FlyTexas
A poem, eh? *-) I thought a triolet was one of these. :worried:


Re: Education

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 09:33
by Garry Russell
Hi Mike :hello:

Thanks for that...neither word is one I've come across :lol:

Re: Education

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 11:34
by Airspeed
My pleasure Garry.
You point out aviation details that stun me, Matey.

I thought some Australian dunnies were scary......those look LETHAL, plywood perched on a pit like that. :worried:

Re: Education

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 11:49
by DaveB
I thought a triolet was one of these
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ah yes.. the old triolet. They don't make 'em like that anymore :lol:

I used to watch 'Laugh In' (was it not Rowen (Rowan?) and Martin's Laugh In.. something like that?) as a kid and much of it went over my head but then as now, my attention span could be measured in seconds rather than minutes or hours so it was an 'easy watch'. My mom thought it was rubbish :lol:

DaveB B)smk