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FSAirlines reporting wrong airport.

Posted: 23 Jan 2013, 10:17
by fighterpilot
Just tried to continue my African 1-11 adventure but FSAirlines says I'm at the wrong airport when i want to fly even the aircraft is correctly at Freetown. Any Ideas on what the problem is?


Re: FSAirlines reporting wrong airport.

Posted: 23 Jan 2013, 10:56
by DaveB
That's an odd one Richard *-) I'll go and have a look.

EDIT: There's nothing immediately obvious as to why this is happening mate. The flight is correct, the aircraft is correct and you are where you should be to fly it. I have had this happen a few times before.. for whatever reason, the database has gone out of sync for a bit but persistence in trying the flight won through in the end. For now, that's the best I can suggest I'm afraid. I can see no valid reason why it won't let you fly.
DaveB B)smk

Re: FSAirlines reporting wrong airport.

Posted: 23 Jan 2013, 17:25
by fighterpilot
Well An update to FSUIPC did the trick, strange though as I've not had that trouble before.


Re: FSAirlines reporting wrong airport.

Posted: 23 Jan 2013, 17:42
by DaveB
Glad you got going again. Perhaps FSA updated their system to accept a newer version in between flights *-) I dunno.. you're going again and that's the important thing ;)

DaveB B)smk