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Are we Mad?

Posted: 17 Jul 2004, 13:00
by ChrisHunt
I have to ask - these days I seem to spend more time on this forum (fora?) than I do in FS - are we all completely barking or what? I mean we get up in all the flying gear, put the goggles on, pull the hood up (don't forget to tie the drawstrings) and sit in front of a PC and "fly" from A to X (got lost trying to find B).

What does it all mean and does anyone else eat "in-flight" meals while they're doing it?


Posted: 17 Jul 2004, 17:47
by Trev Clark
I think sane in a mad world. It is one of the few places to talk (in a manner of speaking), with people whos lives do not rotate around Big Brother, TV soaps and other media enhanced rubbish that seems to put a spell on 80% of the population! :twisted:


Posted: 17 Jul 2004, 19:48
by Boeing464
Well at least i'm not alone in the "sane" category, now! :lol:

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 08:55
by ChrisHunt

Does that mean you are about to be scrapped?

Did I forget to mention the boots and has anyone else been to X?


Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 09:04
by Trev Clark
I'm afraid I seem to been put on the "no longer viable list" by future employers, at 46 you are past it in the UK job market. The only people of this age who do seem to find employment are women, so perhaps I'll turn up in the next interview in a dress :lol:

Never been unemployed before (and I put myself here :oops: :roll: ), never mind, I am not quite ready for the scrap heap yet, as in the Victors case, perhaps a war will come along, and I can be of use! NOT

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 16:35
by Chris Trott
ROFL Chris Hill. If you think you're sane, then you are definitely INsane. :)

Only sane people can call themselves "Not Sane" becuase they're able to tell the difference between when they are sane and when they're "Not Sane". :)

The test works!

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 17:34
by Boeing464
:lol: Nice one there, Chris. I left myself wide open on that one. Now that I think of it, I wonder if i'll pass the sanity test for the FAA medical i'm going to take in a week. :lol: I read the FAR section(61 is it?) on requirements for being sane enough for flying a while back. Funny(but sad too) stuff!

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 18:15
by Tom Everitt AFG


Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 20:46
by spinner
When I first joined this forum I used the following signature as I thought it would be humorous.......

I must go down to the sea again...the lonely sea and sky,
I left my shirt and trousers there,
I wonder if the're dry!.

But then I thought nope, this is a serious forum with serious members, talking serious shi...ahem...stuff. Completely bonkers the lot of us.

My wife say's "are you on that internet looking at naked women again".
"I only look at aeroplanes dear" I reply. I mean , is there something wrong with me? :smt083

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 21:16
by Bridon Bear
At least it keeps the old 'Grey Matter' active because there are always little problems to solve. I get my system up and running perfect and then some addon or ever alters all that!

Frequent visits to this site for the banter and good humour is just the tonic we all need. 8)

Commiserations to you are certainly not old at 46. I have reached into the next decade at 54 and I was told that I don't look 54....then the person went on to say..'You might have done 10 years ago but not now....'

They were obviously having a joke....weren't they? :roll:

I am lucky I work from home as a writer but many years ago I was unemployed and thought this is it, over the hill...the pay was lousy but at least the hours were very good...!

Things changed and I became an author, now the hours are bad and the pay is the same!!

Mad we all may be but happy with it....

We must have a joke of the day page here...clean stuff only of course :D


Bridon Bear :wink: