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Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 17 May 2012, 23:11
by thomasburnside
Id just like to ask if the end of FS9 is near. Because most people are moving to FSX and most add ons that come out these days are FSX only. I hav tryed FSX I didnt like it really. So has FS9 got a few more years left or is it nearing its end.

Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 17 May 2012, 23:28
by DaveB
Hi Tom,

FS9 is as dead as you want it to be. I have FSX and rarely use it.. others moved over and only use FSX. There is a wealth of software out there for FS9 as well as developers still writing for it. Granted, there aren't as many as there were but if you ask me, FS9 is far from dead ;)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 17 May 2012, 23:29
by Garry Russell
FS9 is no more dead that it has been up until now

I've not noticed anymore than the usual trickle moving over.

There are still some moving over then moving back.

Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 18 May 2012, 00:12
by Adrian Petford
FSX is now my primary sim, with Prepar3D waiting in the wings to take over, although I have a fully stocked FS9 install as well which I still fly. Indeed, there are still quite a few scenery areas and some aircraft which are not available for FSX. My FS9, packed with many years of addons still only amounts to 40+Gb (FSX is over ten times that much). As long as you have the storage space, it's perfectly viable to fly and maintain both sims. Even when the commercial developers stop releasing for it (which I don't think will be any time soon, even though it has declined), there are a ton of quality freeware addons for FS9, something I'm sure will continue. Certainly I've got no intention of dropping FS9. When P3D takes over as my main sim, it'll be FSX I'll drop rather than FS9.


Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 18 May 2012, 06:25
by Vancouver
In a lot of ways a modified FS9 is superior to a virgin FSX. It has a lot of life left in it and on modern equipment is a joy .

Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 18 May 2012, 07:07
by Paul K
I no longer use FS9, but some strange force prevents me from selling it on. Its as if I'm keeping it 'just in case' case of what, I'm not certain about. Anyway, with all the excellent freeware available, including many aircraft I sorely miss in FSX ( port overs notwithstanding ) I think FS9 will be around for many years yet. It just won't be grabbing the headlines that FSX & P3D do.

Vancouver is correct. You can tart FS9 up wonderfully, and at comparatively low cost. I still have Active Sky stashed away, and scenery add-ons such as Portland Oregon, and they must be cheap as chips by now. ACG's recent Duxford was released in both FS9 and FSX versions, and I think that's an acknowledgement that the older sim is still very popular.

In the end, if you like it, it aint dead for you. :)

Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 18 May 2012, 08:08
by speedbird591
This is the golden age! We've never before had such a choice of how we enjoy our simming. Everybody here enjoys a different aspect of it and has found a different solution. You can use FS9, FSX, P3D, X-Plane or Flight. For instance, the best selection of classic British aircraft is designed for FS9 and, with such a vast selection of scenery available, many contributors here won't need anything else. And, although in it's early days and still undeveloped, our most experienced real-life pilot describes Flight as the most realistic flight simulator he's ever used.

My own preference is for classic jetliners, which fly at high altitude - so I'm quite happy with a simple, default set-up and default scenery. The latest FSX payware jetliners are so detailed and realistic compared to the best FS9 models that my hangar now contains only FSX models. I don't think anybody else here shares my preference because there isn't yet a classic British FSX jetliner but none of us feel that we have to conform. Most of my flying career was on Boeings so I don't feel the aversion to them that some do. I can only dream of an FSX VC10 :lol:

So FS9 will never die as long as it provides the simming environment that somebody wants.

Ian :)

Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 18 May 2012, 09:11
by Benedettini
Not for me...For IFR flights I use FS9. And for FTX Scenery areas, together with FSEconomy client I use FSX for GA-type slower aircrafts. And both do their job well!
Yet now less are produced for FS9 sadly.

Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 18 May 2012, 09:35
by TSR2
It comes down to personal preference, however if you plan on buying a lot of payware addons, and you want support on these for sometime in the future FSX might be a better bet. Having said that, the payware addons for FS9 are generally quite mature and have had most of their issues resolved.

To confuse the issue further we now have Lockheed Martin's Prepar3d (which is very very similar to FSX) and which is stil supported, however not all FSX addons will work in Prepar3d (although a great many do)

Re: Is FS9 Dead

Posted: 18 May 2012, 10:22
by thomasburnside
Cheers guys it looks like FS9 still has some life left in it.