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Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 21:59
by DavidK
Hi all,

Inspired by this, I'm wondering whether the CBFS VA might include a Nimrod schedule or routes -- and, if so, whether I could help make that happen, e.g. by taking a copy of the HS 780 schedule, removing those routes involving smaller airfields and then trying to revise it so that no Nimrod would depart/arrive at the same time as an HS 780 (at least, not by design!).

I haven't started to learn how to fly the Simshed model yet, but I'm hoping I can use the instructions for David M's Comet model to assist me.


Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 11:46
by DaveB
Hi David :hello:

I can't see how we can 'legally' add Nimrod routes for the VA mate as they're military aircraft flown by military crews. The difference between the Nimrod and 780 is that for a short period, 780's were flown by civvie crews and this enabled us to include them in the fleet. It's tenuous I know but that is the only reason they're available. You could, I guess, fly the Nimrod as a Comet on Comet routes. What you do in the privacy of your own home is up to you. :) I've flown the FS9 version on Comet routes once or twice but it was a bit of a fiddle to make sure fuelburns e t c were like-for-like with it's civvie sister. If they're too far different, FSA will notice and flag the flight so be careful ;)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 14:42
by Garry Russell
I see where you're coming from but...

Simple Fact here is the 780, as well as it's design role, was used as pax and as cargo and did 'civil' military work

The Nimrod did neither and served all it's life on it's design task

There was not even a Nimrod trainer as such unlike the Shackleton before it, so there is not even a case for using dedicated airframes doing line routes and circuits for aircrew familiarisation.

There was quite a bit of behind the scenes debate about the 780 as it was not an airliner as such, but on examination there was a case, perhaps pushed a bit , but it could fit into the VA.

TBH I don't see the point in flying a Nimrod form A to B along a set line..there are already a huge choice of different types of aircraft covering all ranges and speeds and these model are probably best served by being in the VA

The fun is in the low level loiter and ship surveillance, there are no a lot of case to fly a Trident at 100 feet with a tight turn around a ship :lol: .

The Nimrod it is for such a task and a model of the highest calibre to do it with :excited:

You can always fly a display routine at an airshow many things to do with a Nimrod outside the VA. :)

Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 14:46
by DavidK
Thanks, Dave and Garry, for the information.

I hadn't realised that the 780 was once a civilian effort, therefore -- presumably -- allowing it to qualify for a schedule at FSAirlines. I was imagining the excuse for a Nimrod schedule to be repositioning flights, perhaps with generous durations so that a little circling at low-level around landmarks could (if desired) be included.

I wonder (idly) if any other VAs based there have managed to slip in something military ("civilianly military"?..!)...


Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 13:45
by DaveB
Hi David :)

There are a number of military types in use by various VA's at FSA though I'm not entirely sure how they use them. While it may be possible to argue that we could fly VC10's trooping from Brize to the Falklands even though this flight was done mainly by civvie crews on chartered aircraft, I honestly can't find a case to include the Nimrod. We are after all an airline and I don't think the RAF qualifies for that tag plus the Nimrod as never been a passenger aircraft as a Nimrod. Nice thought though ;)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 16:09
by Chris Trott
AFAIK, all the "military" types in use by the couple of military VA's are doing point-to-point only as that's all we support with FSAirlines. There are some "warbirds" available that are on the civilian register in various countries that are used as personal aircraft and a few by airlines, but again, when with a VA they can only to point-to-point flights. Anything else won't be recognized and will thus result in a loss of revenue, especially if they fly from/to the same airport.

Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 18:17
by DavidK
Well, I've started to get to grips with David M's Comet and am about to ask Dave B to sign me up for the CBFS VA's Comet training flights, so, once I'm established there, I think I'll try the occasional Nimrod-for-Comet substitution and see what happens... all unofficial, of course, "the Secretary will disavow all knowledge", the countries flown over won't even know it was a snooping Nimrod rather than an innocent Comet, etc, etc!


Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 18:20
by Garry Russell
Bear in mind that a blind man wearing a blindfold on a dark moonless night can tell the difference between a Nimrod and a Comet at any angle ;)

Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 18:56
by Chris Trott
That and you'll have to be pretty tricky to get the FSAirlines client not to know the difference between the two.

Re: Nimrod routes/schedule?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 19:01
by Garry Russell
Seriously..I can't see the point :dunno:

A Nimrod flight will be random.......go where needed for as long as needed changing all the time

An airline flight is point to point

Why would anyone wnat to fly a Nimrod as an ariliner?? have as amny Comets as you want for route flying

If you want to fly the Nimrod do so out of the VA...simple as that

It's not set up for this and never will be ;)