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Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 10:59
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Guys,

Just a quick heads up about the penalties with the new client on FSAirlines. A couple of new ones in there :-

Overspeed while Taxiing
Landing at wrong airport
Rolling after pressing the "end flight" button NEW
Parkingbreaks after pressing the "end flight" button NEW
Landing Lights on above 10500 feet
Landing Lights off under 1000 feet
IAS >250kts under FL100
Aircraft ran out of fuel in flight NEW



Re: Penalties

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 11:21
by DaveB
Hi John..

Tks for that ;-)

Do you know why the bing-bong for takeoff and another after landing is still included then?? It suddenly seems superfluous to requirements :think: I can't think of an instance where you'd land.. get a bing-bong.. stop the aircraft.. open the client and select end flight.. then go back to the sim and move without first clicking through all the clients 'next' pages then exiting :dunno: Surely to end the flight should be the end of it?? :think: Perhaps folk have been hearing bing-bong for landed, have reduced the sim but left the aircraft still rolling then hit 'end flight'.

Dunno :dunno: All seems a bit odd to me but I guess there must be a reason for it :)


DaveB :tab:

Re: Penalties

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 11:27
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Dave,

That's one of life's little mysteries as you say, an inappropriate wav. When I get time I'll look see if I can find a more appropriate sound "Yippee!" or "OH MY GOD!!!!" or even "Arghhhhhhh!!!". Bring back the little beep. We could always replace it with a wav containing silence.



Re: Penalties

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 11:50
by Viscount Cornbank
This was a gilt edged opportunity to have the lights penalty made somewhere near realistic by only penalising one if the lights were off below 1000ft AND the u/c was down. Easy to implement I would have thought. Then you might have a chance of retracting the lamps before the operating speed limit was reached after takeoff.

Likewise the 25kt taxi speed penalty is ludicrous.



Re: Penalties

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 13:51
by DaveB
Hi Fraser..

Yup.. the landing lights fiasco continues as does the 25kt taxi penalty. I like the idea of linking the LL penalty to the gear.. a much more satisfactory situation. I suppose with fixed gear aircraft/helicopters, the prog would continue as-is which is acceptible. It would also in one go (for aircraft with retracting gear), get rid of the ridiculous LL off below 1000ft where the aircraft is clearing obsticles and obviously in flight. OK.. it could be argued that you should never get your aircraft that close to an obstruction but it's a bummer to be at say FL130 and creeping out of the cloud you see a dirty great mountain ahead of you. Put your lights on and you'll be dinged.. leave em off and you'll be dinged. I've had some close calls before and without the benefit of a radalt, it can be a worrying time (even with it!) :lol:

John.. are we too late to have this thrown into the suggestion box??


DaveB :tab: