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Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 13:05
by NigelC
FS9, I get halfway through pre-start checklist (BAC 1-11) or even as far as start and push when without warning, it just disappears in an instant - gone....nothing.....nix...nil, just gone.

Anyone got any ideas?

Nigel C

Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 13:12
by Garry Russell

Two first offs.......if you haven't already done these

Copy the FS9 CFG then remove it and left FS build a new one

Also are you comming in straight to the One-Eleven??..if you are try calling up a default aircraft first, then change to the One-Eleven....maybe try this on e first :think:


Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 13:19
by NigelC
Many thanks. Will give it a try.

Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 18:50
by tonymadge
Agree with Garry, try a different aircraft it may be a guage or something in the 1-11 its not happy with. If the same happens with another aircraft try adifferent airport it may be an AFCAD problem as well... lot of messing but worth a try

Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 29 Aug 2008, 17:06
by RobDob
Do you mean FS vanishes? I had this problem and it was the gunk between my chip and heatsink breaking down. New blob fixed it. However, if your crash happens at the same point each time it's probably not that!

Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 09:38
by NigelC
I have just moved house and connected PC up last night and gave it a go.

Loaded default 737 at Seattle. Push/start and taxi to the hold for 34R ran fine. Hit the NAV/GPS switch when stationary at the hold and the moment I did............... Wham...gone! FS9 just disappears and leaves me staring at the desk top.

Thinking about removing the whole installation and starting again!


Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 11:09
by nigelb
Before you reinstall everything, you might try another aircraft first and at an airport that is not very busy or scenery intensive. The default Cessna on a grass strip somwhere would be a good choice. If the same thing happens, you might fix the problem by reinstalling the fs9gps gauge from the install disks. The guage is on install disk 2 in
You might reinstall all the gauges in the .cab file but if you have customized any of the default gauges, you probably won't want to overwrite those.

If you want to try that and need more instrucion as to how to do it, just let us know.

Another thing to check is the event viewer in windows to see if there are any notices related to FS9 crashing.


Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 13:36
by speedbird591
NigelC wrote:I have just moved house and connected PC up last night and gave it a go.
Image Crikey! And I thought formatting the hard drive would be the last resort!

Good luck with it, anyway, Nigel.

Ian :lol:

Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 14:10
by NigelC
Cheers mate!

I've been working away from home for about 6 months now, so I've only had the problem when I've had the odd chance to try on the weekends back home. Having now moved, I've got more chance to sort it out. Thinking about removing and reloading simply because over the years I've built up so much c**p, downloading a/c to try out - not liking them but not bothering to delete them etc.


Re: Heeeelllllppppppp!!!!

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 20:25
by NigelC
I've removed everything and re-installed and it still does it.What's the ultimate clean-up I can do.

