Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

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Re: Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

Post by blanston12 »

I said I was not going to comment again but here I go.

I did some research on the picture and its the Democratic members of the Texas legislature fleeing Texas to prevent legislation what they believe will take away peoples voting rights (different subject we do not need to debate). given there political leanings its very likely they all have had the vaccine but your right Paul, the picture proves nothing as it is a snapshot taken out of context and we don't know if anybody came down with the virus afterword's.

A couple weeks ago my company had an event were may of us went to an SF Giants baseball game together. We met at a pub first where they have a private balcony reserved for us and there were about 20 of us, it was good to see may of my friends and coworkers in person for the first time since March of last year, if felt ok, it was outside and not too crowded and I trust that my coworkers have had the vaccine (we were told a photo of our vaccination card was required). At the game was a bit different, they do have different sections in the stadium, socially distanced ones for those without the vaccine and non socially distanced ones for those with the vaccine but they did not check our cards, we were in one of the latter and it felt really weird being around all these people where only a very few had masks on. But this is San Francisco, California has a higher vaccine rate than most of the country and the SF Bay area has a higher rate that most of California. My first time out in public at a big event and it felt very weird, I have been good all this time, trying to prevent myself catching it so I don't pass it on to my wife and her mom who has more than her share of health issues, it made me feel uncomfortable and I ended up leaving before the end of the game (along with a coworker I had car pooled with who was not into the game). Nothing bad happened, I have not heard of any outbreaks in the area linked to people going to baseball games, if we go to another I will probably feel safer.

The point I think of my story is not that you should always wear a mask, it depends on the context, have you had the vaccine? How likely is it that there are people there who have not had the vaccine who are not wearing masks.

What got me started in this conversation was Ben's statement:
The vaccine does not stop you getting COVID. The vaccine does not stop you spreading COVID.
Which as a statement has a grain of truth but is completely misleading, the vaccine will stop you getting and spreading the virus MOST of the time, but not all of the time. There are those with legitimate health issues that may make it unwise for them to get the vaccine, but everyone else should get it.

Joe I am not going to say much about the wild conspiracy theory involving Dr Fauci and the Wuhan lab in 2014, but even if something happened at that lab that contributed to the virus's spread, it may be of interest for researchers trying to figure out how the outbreak started and how to prevent it in the future, but at this point, for us as civilians its irrelevant, the horse has left the barn and we need to do what we can to keep each other safe.
Joe Cusick,

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

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Re: Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

Post by Paul K »

blanston12 wrote:
24 Jul 2021, 17:12
I did some research on the picture and its the Democratic members of the Texas legislature fleeing Texas to prevent legislation what they believe will take away peoples voting rights (different subject we do not need to debate).
Ah, I see - thanks for that Joe. I've read about the issue in Texas on the NYT website, but didn't know that was them. :)

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Re: Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

Post by airboatr »

Hi Paul. I've never known you to be rude, I hope the following will not be taken as such, from me.

I'll preface by saying, My mind is clear and resolved. My heart rate is 64 according to my monitor.

The picture was taken just a week ago or so.
The plane was filled with democrat representatives leaving Texas to avoid their responsibilities. They all have arrest warrants on them in Texas now, so they're hiding in DC.
They all swore to obey the constitution with their lips. but they're refusing to do so in action.
here is another example of their character..
They bought beer (alcohol) in Texas, brought it aboard the plane,
and disembarked with the alcohol after arriving in DC
Which is a federal crime.

As for the mask issue
I'm staying with Fauci's initial, scientifically backed instruction.
Masks don't stop the spread of a virus. That's why infected people have to be isolated, and their caretakers wear special suits and gloves and face shields and are decontaminated once they leave an isolated area.
It seems to me, fauci is now saying this virus is likely unable to penetrate a face mask, which must mean it's become less formidable to permeate masks?
So wear two.

Anywho. ... Fauci says covid is going to continue to mutate.
It seems he's discovered a new mathematical formula to forecast the mutations, I'm not completely up on it but it looks like
2 + 2 = octopus! Which might mean 8 .. (cause octopuses have 8 appendages?,, dunno - doesn't matter, it's all Greek to me.)

According to Fauci, It's never going away, everyone will be forced to wear masks for the rest of eternity, ( I know that sounds ridiculous, it's supposed to.)
Everyone will have to take boosters once a year, maintain social distancing, carry a little vaccine club card, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

99.99% survive gentlemen. . If anyone wants to rip into someone, rip into the ones responsible for funding the gain of function bat coronavirus study.
Heart rate 63.
Scouts honor

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Re: Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

Post by Paul K »

I won't go further into it Joe - to be honest, I am as sick of the controversy surrounding the virus as I am the virus itself. However, one thing that does come to mind:- what would our pre-internet, pre-biased media age grandparents think of all this ? Radio waves causing a virus, vaccines making people magnetic, shadowy billionaires trying to micro-chip us and all the other bloody nonsense ?

They would say "It's a virus transmissible by airborne droplets - so wear a mask. Its a virus, there's a vaccine, so have the vaccine". It would be as simple as that in their straightforward pragmatic minds, uncluttered by all the web and social media babble. It wouldn't be a political issue to them, nor a stew of conspiracy theories. They would see and accept the simple and blindingly obvious - something that increasing numbers of people seem either unable to grasp, or wilfully deny.

I have this fantasy where, except for essential services, administration and commercial purposes, the internet is shut down for a year. All the conspiracy theorists and quacks would be taken to a camp in the jungle and every morning lined up in front of a Korean guard: Repeat after me ( slap ) Stop (slap) spreading ( slap) this (slap) SHIT (Slap ). :lol:

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Re: Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

Post by airboatr »

Hi Paul.

Would the slappers, slap themselves for spreading the virus?
Supposedly 8 of those on the plane tested positive after meeting with house and Senate politicians as well as Harris. Days later, aids who work for the aforementioned politicians, have tested positive.
And they've all been vaccinated.

There is zero proof I've transmitted the virus. I've not been sick/ill, and
my temperature.remained normal.
No one I know has been sick . and none of them has told me they know anyone who has been sick.
Of course there are people who have become Ill. It's tragic, I wish Fauci wouldn't have played virus engineer.
Ok my next point.

It's interesting no one is concerning themselves with Fauci's admonitions about mask wearing.

That wearing masks cause unintentional consequences like R.S.V.

It's happening. And some have died.

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Re: Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

Post by TSR2 »

In the 39-55 bracket in the UK, you’re still over 100 times more likely to die of suicide.

And Joe, the quote came from an interview in the UK last month of one of the governments top advisors who sits on their SAGE advisory panel. I didn’t make it up. Appreciate your guys my be giving different advice.


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Re: Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

Post by airboatr »

It's not what one doesn't know that get one into trouble.
It's what one knows for sure that just isn't so".
~ Mark Twain

Actually he used the word ain't - not isn't .
I changed it because I didn't want to hurt eyes and ears.
And one instead of you. To keep it impersonal.

...and please unhand the torches.
Thank you and good evening

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Re: Best Wishes, Condolences, and Good Luck.

Post by Scorpius »

Remember what Douglas Bader said:

'Rules are for the obeyance of fools and the guidance of wise men'.

Good RAF attitude to all this and I use it every day.


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