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Posted: 04 Aug 2006, 13:51
Just to let you know that I'll be updating the current month's stats page every few days.
Link for current month is on the first post with the rest of them.


Posted: 04 Aug 2006, 17:12
by RAF_Quantum
Excellent stuff Dave, thanks for this.



Posted: 17 Aug 2006, 10:30
by DanKH
David, you could make an asp(x)-page which always had the current stat (or reprogram the overall page into an asp(x)

Just a sought.

Posted: 17 Aug 2006, 21:55
As far as I know asp is only the same kind of stuff as the PHP I use.

It isn't a fully automated process, but it's no hassle.
I have to copy & paste the flight reports off the FlyNet website to provide the data for it. Once I've collected the latest reports, it's just a button click to make the stats page appear.
Since it's all PHP & MySQL it could easily be put on-line & 'live', which I think is what you are getting at. But it would still only ever be up-to-date when I've collected & fed it the latest flight reports.

Or am I missing the point? :smile:


Posted: 18 Aug 2006, 00:25
by DanKH
Nope, you nailed it ;-)

I was thinking about a button "Get Latest Stat" or so, that activated the update. The eventhandler of the button should then carry out the collection and "fedding". Anyway it was just a thought... :smile:

Posted: 18 Aug 2006, 13:08
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Dave,

Another little extra statistic if possible? You have the income section with the total income by aircraft type. could you possibly add an extra column in this section to give an income per hour flown by each aircraft type alongside the total income?

Thanks in anticipation.



Posted: 18 Aug 2006, 20:24
Ok, understood Dan. :smile:

John, I've put a new 'Average Income' stats on the pages.
I think it's what you want. If not just post back & I'll change it.
And it's no trouble, so just let me know if you want anything else doing on it.


Posted: 18 Aug 2006, 22:57
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Dave,

Thanks, that's exactly what I was after. Just in case anyone compares the monthly and cumulative figures, the income will slowly reduce over time as our multiplyer reduces. At the moment we are on a multiplyer of X300 and at some point this will reduce to X200.

Thanks again Dave



Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 10:19
by DanKH
Hi Dave

Just went through AUG's stats, and the last table "All Flights By Date" has a "?" column, rarely filled out, except for a few "?"'s....what is that?

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 11:58
Hi Dan

An entry with a '?' means that the figures are suspect.
Sometimes FlyNet reports the fuel use wrong.

DaveB once managed to gain over 200 kg of fuel on a DH89 flight. Must have met up with a VC10 en-route.