FSX Grumman Mallard

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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by Paul K »

I've only done a few minutes in the Mallard, but it seems to work very nicely in P3Dv3. It's very easy to fly, and looks gorgeous inside and out. Well done Larry and team - this one is a 'keeper' as they say. :thumbsup:

One tiny minor teeny-weeny glitch ( this is in P3DV3 ) - in the aircraft selection screen, when the sim opens - if I select the white model, and then try to select one of the others, it still shows the white model rotating in the preview window. Even if I select one of the other liveries, and then go on into the sim, it's the white model that appears on the runway. The solution is to click on a different model altogether ( say the default F-35 ) and then you can click on the other Mallards as normal. You don't have to load the sim up with the F-35 - just click on it in the scenario selection screen and then the Mallard livery choices work as normal. If I remember correctly, I saw this with another model a little while back - can't remember which one it was. Anyway, a tiny little thing, but I thought I'd mention it as you will be getting emails, Larry. It in no way affects the use of the aircraft in the sim.

Very well done indeed ! :cheers:

PS: Can't wait for the C-119 - one of my favourite 1950s aircraft.

PPS: Lovely repaint Peter, just about to grab it. Or will do when it becomes available there. :)

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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by emfrat »

MilesMan wrote:Many thanks Larry.... It would have gone up on Britsim but I cannot access the site at the moment!
I have been unable to get in for the last couple of days...I click my bookmark, and off it goes, but all I get is a blank screen with the correct URL in the address bar, and "Done" down at the bottom left.
I expect it is due to the flooding; otters being the great creatures they are, I am sure The Pond will be back to spec in a few days.


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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by DaveB »

This can happen in FSX too mate. I used to see it with the Nemeth EC135. If I remember right, its to do with a paint being in the models main texture folder and being referenced by other paints. I had similar happen with the Kitty Hawk model which comes with the Aerosoft F-14. One of the troops repainted the island numbers to represent Connie, America and JFK.. all of which referenced Kitty Hawk, a paint in its own right and when all 4 were called in AICarriers, you first saw all 4 ships but when panning round to look at them again, you saw 4x Kitty Hawk's :-O

I got round it by moving all the common textures to a new texture folder and putting the Kitty specific textures into an individual folder. FSX doesn't like textures from one model which has its textures in a main texture folder to be referenced by others if that makes sense :)

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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by Paul K »

Ah, thanks for that Dave. It's not a huge inconvenience at the moment, but when I've next got the time and patience, I'll follow your method of fixing it. :)

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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by Tako_Kichi »

Hmm...not heard of this issue with the paints before and it never showed up in testing and we had several testers with a variety of versions of P3D.

Here's a thought you could try. The white paint scheme was put in to aid repainters and it resides in the common texture folder so could be the cause of the issue. Try removing the white scheme from the aircraft.cfg file and renumbering the rest and see if that solves the problem. I don't think many people would fly a plain white aircraft with zero markings anyway.

Talking of repaints, now Rachael is back home after her Xmas trip to Scotland she's promised to get the PSD paintkit out ASAP.

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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by Paul K »

Hi Larry,

Yep, I could remove the white aircraft from the .cfg, but then there would be no problem to solve, if you see what I mean. The issue only arises if the white aircraft is selected - and once I select another aircraft ( default F-35 for instance ) the problem is rectified and I can choose any Mallard paint, until I once again click on the white Mallard. Its not really a problem so much as an oddity which is easily rectified, and just as easily avoided in the first place. :)

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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by DaveB »

You could make a new texture folder for the white textures and drop a texture.cfg in. Then, change the aircraft.cfg to reflect the new name for the white folder. Bob would be your proverbial uncle ;)
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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by Paul K »

I'll do that, but I assume the white Mallard is there for people to clone, rename, and then do their own repaint upon it - the same sort of thing that Carenado provide with their models. I'll just ignore the plain white one until I want to do a repaint. ;)

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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by DaveB »

Well, that's what Larry said.. a blank for repainters. As far as no one wanting to fly a plain white model .. I often do, especially from the likes of Carenado who only issue US paints which I have no desire to fly around the UK. The only default models I keep are the white ones ;)

What you do with it in the end is up to you. I don't make this crap up ;)
Dave B)smk
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Re: FSX Grumman Mallard

Post by Paul K »

Hmm, I think we might be at slightly cross purposes here. :worried: Thanks for the Mallard, love it, and wont click on the white one. :lol:

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