FCS Wimpy now downloadable

If you have a payware prog whether it be a model, scenery or utility that you have tried.. tell us about it here.

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Mickey D
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Re: FCS Wimpy now downloadable

Post by Mickey D »


With regard to the static textures in the FS9 version. I have been in contact with Ed at FCS and the missing textures will be supplied in an update patch to be made available shortly if it isn't already. The missing textures are actually in the FSX version texture folder. Just copy the 11 .*af files over to the FS9 version. I think some or all of the model issues will also be addressed.
Also don't forget that there is a freeware AI package by Lightning and Frank Safranek available at all the usual sites. It places around a dozen Wimpies, albeit the Merlin engined version, at RAF Driffield. They all take off at dusk, destination classified :-# , and return the following morning.
Mickey D
Team SDB Scenery Bloke

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Re: FCS Wimpy now downloadable

Post by WarHorse47 »

Mickey D.

I got the missing scenery textures taken care of thanks to your suggestion. And I have the AI pacakge loaded as well, so all is well with the Driffield scenery package. :thumbsup: The only item(s) unresolved are the gauge issues.

I did receive a response from FCS support after four tries. After providing them with further detail, I haven't heard from them since. I do not know if they've even acknowledged the gauge issues I've noted, or if they are planning a patch on that.

On the bright side I am exchanging e-mails with one of the developers directly who assured me that he is looking into the gauge issue. :dancer:

Aside from all this activity, I still enjoy flying the Wimpy. Some day it would be nice for a few more textures to expand the fleet.


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