Another One Bites the Dust!

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by simondix »

Been on C0-codamol for my back. Collapsed disc. Fortunaytly I haven't found it addictive but other side effects I have found.


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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by Nigel H-J »

I have the same problem as Keith with three trapped nerves in my spine that is extremely painful, I have been prescribed Co-Codamol pain killers but that does not even scratch the surface of the pain, have not dared asked for anything stronger as don't want to be zombified especially whilst working, also unable to sit for long in a normal chair hence the lazy boy one.

Keith, know how you feel mate and hope you have some luck in reducing the pain.

Ian, it was only a half hearted statement regarding my last post concerning pedestrians, if and when you get one you just have to anticipate which way they are likely to turn/go before they actually do!! :lol: Having the scooter makes life a lot easier for me in getting around as walking is extremely painful.

I used to be an optimist but with age I am now a grumpy old pessimist.

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by Dev One »

Nigel, For the moment (touching wood) my back pain has eased recently, & my left leg numbness associated with the trapped nerve has eased also, I just try to take it easy & try not lifting things too much. Mind you my back crisis was 3 years ago, so its taken a long time to get to this state & have not taken the strong painkiller for ages. Like you I have my favourite chair which I use for my computer - its the only one where it seems to be correct for posture. It really is a stressless type intended for the living room. I also have a foam ball - football size that sits between the back & my lumbar region - trick told me by the masseuse. Seems to help.

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by speedbird591 »

Keith - have you tried osteopathy for your sciatica? I suffered very painful sciatica (trapped sciatic nerve) back when I was flying and had quite a long time off work while the NHS tried different drugs and physiotherapy. Eventually I tried an osteopath and floated out of their place several inches above the ground!

I was living next door to a GP at the time (not mine) and she asked how I was getting on with my sciatic problems and I apologetically said I'd been to the osteopath and that it seemed to have worked. She said "I don't blame you, they usually do work".

Since then, whenever my sciatic problems have returned (rarely), I've taken ibuprofen based (NSAIDS) anti-inflammatory drugs. Voltarol is probably the best over-the-counter one. And then gone straight to an osteopath. It's never taken more than three sessions to put me straight again and I've never needed to take time off work again.

The downside is that not many NHS clinics can recommend you so it means you have to pay yourself but if you do have the money it can save a lot of time and pain.

I can only think of one person that I've recommended osteopathy and it hasn't worked for them. That's my brother and they've found that he has a very complicated problem with possibly 3 nerves trapped in a vertebra and he's had to have an MRI scan to pinpoint the problem - so it was a very difficult one to find.

Ian :)

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by Dev One »

Ian, Yes my GP (french of course) sent me for an X ray, then to an Osteo, who initially bent me about & tied me in a big knot, which seemed OK till I got home when it clicked again! After he looked at the X-ray the second time he said he could not do anything for me! Doc then sent me for a scan (not MRI as I have two stents) the result of which said something on the lines of a complete failure of the L4/5 donut. Then onto a neurologist specialising in backs, who referred me to a Masseuse who specialised in the MacKenzie method of treatment. This worked very well & has resulted in my upright stance now. If I get a twinge I go & do the excercise for a few days & that usually sorts things out together with a paracetamol or two & maybe a bit of Voltarol. Doc says I shouldn't use too much Voltarol as it interferes with my Warfarin, or vice versa! (The excercise is a form of pressup where one leaves ones hips on the floor & gently & slowly pressup to bend the back about 20 times, initially, working up to about 50!)
We know an English vascular surgeon whose wife is a masseuse (not really the correct term, but have forgotten the english!) said that it would in time repair itself, & it seems that it has.
So now you have another one to add to your failed osteo list!!!

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by Nigel H-J »

That's my brother and they've found that he has a very complicated problem with possibly 3 nerves trapped in a vertebra and he's had to have an MRI scan to pinpoint the problem - so it was a very difficult one to find.
Ian - Keith, I also have three trapped nerves which were pinpointed by a MRI scan and also have a prolapsed disc as well as arthritis of the spine. I cannot have the operation due to my heart condition but had thought at one time of having osteopathy however I was told that in some cases it can do more harm than good so decided not to bother.

I used to be an optimist but with age I am now a grumpy old pessimist.

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by Jon.M »

Well we're now into my line of business. I'm not an osteopath but a chiropractor.

Nigel the people who suggest that osteopathy or chiropractic could do more harm than good usually know little about the breadth of possible methods of treatment. They imagine that the only method of treatment is spinal manipulation which certainly would not be indicated with a herniated disc which is directly irritating the nerve root. Obviously other health conditions such as cardiovascular problems would also affect the choice of technique.

Another point is that both chiropractic and osteopathy have only been properly regulated in the last twenty years and before then there were plenty of unqualified therapists about. Nowadays anyone claiming to be a chiropractor in Britain must be registered with the General Chiropractic Council:

Here in Italy the system is a bit different and I've always worked in collaboration with orthopaedic surgeons. I use a technique named Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) which is very good for herniated discs and my greatest job satisfaction comes from helping people who have already been advised to have surgery and saving them from the knife. Assuming you're in Lincoln the nearest chiropractor who uses SOT I could find is in Worksop. As it happens I know her.
From what you say a complete cure sounds unlikely but anything that can reduce the pain and quantity of medicines that you're taking and or helps your mobility would be welcome.

If you're interested I'll give you her name and work phone number.


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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by Nigel H-J »

Have sent you a PM Jon.

I used to be an optimist but with age I am now a grumpy old pessimist.

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by speedbird591 »

Morning Guys.

This could be it, I'm afraid. My body's gone all wrong and been rushed into hospital. I'm awaiting a CT scan - maybe tomorrow - but can't see any treatment that would allow me to be released. I feel very poorly.

If I do get out I'll let you know obviously. If you don't hear from me - I didn't make it. So thanks for everything and all the fun over the years,

Sorry but typing's a struggle as I can't concentrate. I'm still cheerful and philosophical and we'll see but I want to say goodbye now while I'm able.

All the best

Ian :)

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by DaveB »

Hello Mate :hello:

I've been dreading this coming :(

I sincerely hope the hospital can at least ease your pain and make what little time you have left more comfortable.

Thank you for being so upbeat and open about it all.. many will have taken heart from your undoubted courage. Thank you also for brightening up the forum for so many years. Thank you for being a friend ;)

I'm glad I was able to meet you face to face (though you may not feel the same) :lol:

Thank you ;)

Dave B)smk
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