Taken Redundancy.

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Nigel H-J
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Taken Redundancy.

Post by Nigel H-J »

Hi chaps,

just to let you know I am taking voluntary redundancy and my last working day will be 27 October. There are many changes being made including a new shift pattern but due to heart disease and suffering considerable pain with my spine I have decided to call it a day and head into premature retirement!! :lol: So if you feel you need to insult or abuse me verbally then you’d better hurry up as the downside to all this is that in all probability the County Council will close our local library soon (as rumour has it) so the only time I will get to read your posts is when I go to see my stepson and borrow his laptop. The main library in Lincoln has computers but in the past I have spent hours waiting for one and sometimes not been able to so just a waste of time going there. Anyway, enough of that!!

So, at the grand age of 62 they are giving me a full pension and that will help enormously until I can claim my state pension in 3 years’ time. For the past seventeen and a half years I have been monitoring the streets of our fair City and have seen many changes over the years not only to the way the police operate but also in having a university built and open up to masses of students, also the change in licensing laws allowing clubs and bars to stay open longer and later.

To my mind and from experience, I think that this was one of our then government’s biggest mistakes!! But what the hell, politicians are blind as to the problems this has caused in the way of costs to the police in extra hours of manpower, not to mention the overstretched services of the NHS in dealing with cases of excess alcohol, I have lost count of the number of times I have had to alert the ambulance service to incidents of over consumption!! Apart from dealing with many incidents including fatal RTCs’ sudden deaths, suicides, fights, drunk drivers, robberies etc though I won’t bore you with any more details, I have enjoyed my work and got to know many of the officers and have even been out on shift with them a couple of times with a number of blue light deployments. It is one thing watching the police on TV dealing with an incident involving drunk and aggressive individuals after an incident but a completely different experience when actually there I can tell you, not something I would want to face regularly as they do. So next time you see an officer about, give him or her...... a big smile!! :worried:

So there you are guys, I’m still going to be around regularly for the next month or so, long enough to give you lot some grief. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by Tako_Kichi »

Don't be too much of a stranger after October, don't forget you can get in here with a smart-phone or tablet too. Maybe you can suggest one as a retirement gift. :lol:

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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by Garry Russell »

Hi Nigel :hello:

A good idea mate...you need the rest.

All the best for the future :)


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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by speedbird591 »

Hello Nigel. That sounds like a good solution for you, mate. It must have been a struggle for you - trying to balance the pain against the need to keep your income. A full pension to see you through until the State pension will mean that you can now relax a bit and stay in bed if that's what your body tells you. I love being retired and having control of my own time is one of the best things about it.

It's a shame that you won't be able to visit us so often. You know you'll miss us far too much so you'll have to find some way! As Larry suggests, my first thought is a tablet. The market is being flooded with them now - and for a good reason - cheap and easy access to the internet. You can pick up an excellent second-hand one from eBay or Cash Generators. As for WiFi access, it's easily available in loads of coffee shops and outlets all over towns and cities. You could have a regular day or two a week having morning coffee at your local Wetherspoons for instance. Cheap as chips and always open and if there's nothing interesting going on here you can watch the world go by. Just like when you were at work.

Well, you know best what you can do and what you can't but try to keep in touch when you can. But the important thing is to enjoy your retirement.

All the best - speak to you soon.

Ian :)

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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by Tomliner »

Hi Nigel.I will just echo what's already been said.As Larry and Ian mentioned with a tablet(iPad or similar) and with all the free wifi out there,accessing 'tinternet is easy.
I would just add that if,for example,you were to buy a new pad,then buying at John Lewis as opposed to an Apple store you get a two year warranty instead of one for exactly the same price.
Whatever you decide,enjoy your retirement and hope you can keep in touch.Best wishes EricT :thumbsup:
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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by Filonian »

I can only agree with what has already been said Nigel. Had to take that road myself in 2000 due to ill health and I certainly didn't miss the crazy shift patterns.

Try and find some way to keep in touch if you can.

Anyway, here's to a long and happy retirement.

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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by dodger »

Hello Nigel,

I will just echo what's already been as well,

I hope you can call in as much as possible, being retired myself i would go "Nuts" if did'nt have Forums like these to while away some of the time, you have to keep that "Grey Matter" going what ever you do! :lol:

All the Best,

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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by DelP »

Hi Nigel :hello:

There does come a time when a decision has to be made :lol:

I'm now working a four day week and am struggling with that ;)

Enjoy your retirement, best wishes :)

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Nigel H-J
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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by Nigel H-J »

Hi Chaps, :hello:

Firstly, many thanks for all your kind words and also of the suggestion of buying a tablet, that is certainly something to look into but for the moment we are having to spend a bit on last minute improvements around the home whilst I still have an income before next month (I am limited in what I can now do now i.e. decorating etc so have to have some-one in to do it) so it may be some time later before I think about getting one.

I will of course be purchasing 2 more final titles for FSX before leaving, one is FTX Global and the other Rex Essential + Overdrive so hoping some-one here can advise me as to whether it requires a direct connection on internet to install or whether it can be registered or validated manually via another computer, also is FTX Global done the same way for installation as with FTX Scotland and Wales which I did off-line through another computer?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards
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Re: Taken Redundancy.

Post by Garry Russell »

You might want one of these...but, on the other hand..... :hide:



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