Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

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Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by MALTBY D »

Edit : Updated September 2009
Edit 2011 - Note that the graphics and layout have changed again, but it's still the same process.

Flying with & Classic British Flight Services

The FSAirlines website address is

1. ==================================================
Joining up

You need to Register on FSAirlines...It's traditional for new pilots to start at Stansted

2. ==================================================

Once registered, you can log in right away...

3. ==================================================

Your profile page will load and you will see there is a message about verifying your email. Go to your mail
client and look for the email from FSAirlines which has a link to select to verify your email. In the email
you will also see the verification code if you want to do it manually using the link under your 'Personal'
menu on the left.


4. ==================================================

Once verified you will get this message...

5. ==================================================

You will now see that the message has gone from your profile page and you can apply to join CBFS using
the 'Apply to VA' link...


6. ==================================================

Find 'Classic British Flight Services' in the list & click 'apply'... (Using the filter and entering 'classic' which
will shrink the list)


7. ==================================================

Now select the Overview and you will see your name at the top of the pilot list without a VA number yet
assigned. Your application is 'pending'.


8. ==================================================

One of the CEO's will then run all sorts of security checks on you and if you pass the
test, you're in. The test involves you finding the
CBFS forum and kindly posting your details in the Recruiting
and Rules
section (as others have already done). Once you've passed the 'test' your application will be
processed and a VA number will be assigned and you will see your name at the bottom of the pilot roster.


9. ==================================================

Setting up the FSAirlines software

You need the FSAirlines Client program, which you get from 'The Client' link on their home page.

10. =================================================

The download zip contains two files, the FSAirlines - Client application and a sound folder. You need to
keep these two files together so make a suitably named folder and pop them in there. So long as the
two files stay together, you can copy them anywhere on your PC. I just created a folder 'FSAirlines Client'
and a sub-folder with the current version number on my D:\ drive.


To communicate with Flight Simulator FS2002 or FS9 the Client needs FSUIPC3. If you have FSX without
SP2 installed the client needs FSUIPC4 . With FSX and SP2 no additional tool is required, the native FSX
interface 'SimConnect' is used then. You will find links to the FSUIPC software on the FSAirlines Client
page. For your convenience make a Windows shortcut for the FSAirlines - Client application and that's
the job done - for now ;-) .

11. =================================================

Getting a Type Rating

You can only book flights for aircraft that you have a rating for. There are no tests to pass, we just ask
that you can fly the thing safely and competently. Don't ask for a Type Rating until you are happy
operating the type please. To get a rating on any type in the fleet, simply log on to FSAirlines and
send a message to David Maltby (CEO) or Dave Booker (CEO) or John Payne (CEO) (try in that order please)...

For your first Training Type Rating you are required to operate your first training flight
within one calender month of your application to the VA being accepted. Your training should be
completed within one calender month of your first training flight.


12. =================================================

One of us will set you up with a training Type rating and we are usually pretty quick, but you have to
wait until we have set you up. Once your training Type rating is set, it will appear on your
FSAirlines profile. You will notice it has (TR) after the type name, this designates it as a training
Type rating. With a training Type Rating you are restricted to training flights only. Training flights
have no affect on VA finances. The monetary values you will see on a flight report of a training flight
are there for example purposes to see the potential earnings you would have made but the earning do
NOT have the VA multiplier applied. After a training flight, the fuel remaining on the aircraft is
re-instated to the value it was prior to the training flight so there is little value in loading excessive
amounts of fuel.

13. =================================================

Booking a Flight

Having decided the aircraft type you wish to commence your training on you need to find out which
training flights you are required to operate and where they originate from. On the main home
page you will see a link to the Virtual Airline


14. =================================================

Once there, select 'Training Flights'.

15. =================================================

Have a quick read there to see the training requirements dependant on your experience with the VA.
As this is your first Type Rating with the VA you are required to fly all six training flights.


16. =================================================

From the drop down menu select the applicable aircraft for which you have the training Type
Rating assigned.


17. =================================================

You can see that the flights you need to fly originate from Heathrow EGLL. The flights are to be flown
in the order as listed. To the right of each flight you will note the history of all flights that have been
operated on the particular flight number. You can see the average block fuel on the EGLL-EGAA route
is approximately 4,200kgs so that is something for you to remember when it comes to loading fuel for
the flight.


18. =================================================

As you joined at Stansted, you need to transfer to Heathrow. Go to your Profile page and select
'Buy ticket'.


19. =================================================

Enter the ICAO code EGLL for Heathrow and select the 'Buy Ticket' button

20. =================================================

You will then find yourself transferred to EGLL and how much the ticket cost you.

21. =================================================

Now you can select 'Book Flight'. FSAirlines will only show you the flights available to you according to
your current location, your Type Ratings and aircraft availability. As you only have your initial training
Type Rating allocated to you, your selection is small. Select the green tick for the flight you wish to
book, in this instance it is the top one.


22. =================================================

Now select your aircraft, let's take 'ZK, and click the 'Continue' button.

23. =================================================

Your flight is now booked and shows you three options. You can select the 'Passenger List' which would
give you the virtual names of your passengers - does anyone care? ( :-# ). If you made a mistake and
needed to cancel a flight for any reason you can do so from here too. As this is a training flight you
would not be charged the usual cancellation fee of 10% ticket value for each of your passengers you
were expecting to fly. You can also see your Briefing Document ........


24. =================================================

Selecting the Briefing Document will show you the details of the booked flight. You will be carrying 149
passengers. There is also some basic weight data there, notably the passenger, baggage and cargo
weights (rounded) in metric tonnes. At FSA each passenger is deemed to weigh 77kgs with a 5kgs hand
baggage allowance and 20kgs hold baggage allowance. The passenger weight is showing 12.2, baggage
weight 3 and cargo weight 0 all in metric tonnes. This is shown to you as a guide but will be covered in
more detail on the Client loading page when you start the flight. You can also select 'Show PDF' which
does exactly that, just a PDF version of the Briefing Document.


25. =================================================

As you can see, this is just a different way of displaying the Briefing Document. There is no additional
information on it, but the option to show it has been retained from the early FlyNET days when the
PDF was all we had. If you wanted to keep a record of all your flights you could save the PDF to your
Documents folder. FSAirlines do not retain Briefing Documents once the flight has been flown.


26. =================================================

That's it, the flight is booked & you can log out of the website. You now have 24 hours to perform your

Flying a Booked Flight

You can use FS as you prefer, but we do ask that you change a couple of settings to avoid problems with
the Client. In your Settings - General, please make sure you have 'Pause on task switch' unchecked. This
will avoid possible refuelling problems. In your Settings - Realism make sure 'Ignore crashes and damage'
is selected. This will save you problems if an AI aircraft runs into you or if you hit an invisible scenery
object, both of which will cause the Client to show your flight as crashed. Unlimited fuel is NOT allowed
at FSAirlines so make sure 'Unlimited Fuel' is unchecked.

You should be all set to go now so let's get the simulator ready. Select your aircraft, starting location,
weather, payload etc. Don't bother with the fuel - the FSAirlines Client application loads the fuel for you.
It is important that you use the correct aircraft type for your flight as FSAirlines does an aircraft.cfg
check, but it doesn't have to be the exact repaint.


27. =================================================

Start your flight in the simulator. FSAirlines doesn't mind if you start at the gate or at the end of the
runway, all FSAirlines needs is for you to be in the correct aircraft type at the correct airport. Once you
are in the cockpit, it is time to start the Client using the shortcut you made earlier. If you are in full
screen mode, press Alt-Tab to come out of FS and back to Windows. In this example, the simulator is
not in full screen mode so there is no need to Alt-Tab. Log on using your FSAirlines log on details.


28. =================================================

Once you've logged on, select Options to see what settings you can change.

For ease of use make a check against automatic login which will save you a button click and a few seconds
each time you start the Client.

You have the option to use a simple fuelling method but we recommend not selecting this as it can cause
problems with some aircraft and may detect an incorrect fuel amount - more about this later.

Turning sounds on will give you a tone/jingle for specific Client events. Turn it on to see if you like them,
turn them off if you don't.

Against Flight Simulator interface you can select from a drop-down. You can leave this to Automatic and
the Client will check the sim to see if Simconnect is present and use that as a preference. If Simconnect
is not present it will look for FSUIPC. Some users have experienced difficulty with FSX and Simconnect so
you have the option to 'force' the Client to use FSUIPC if that happens.

Flight Monitor Tracking sends a signal back to the FSAirlines website during a flight to indicate your current
flight status - taxi, climb, descent etc. Some users have experienced problems on long flights and the
Client crashing/locking. Having this option not selected has helped when this has occurred.

Display Text in Flight Simulator will give you a text message on screen for various flight states namely taxi,
take-off, landed, incurred penalties or random failures. The status climb, cruise, descent have been
removed from these screen messages as they were intrusive to the flight. Turning this option on is helpful
if you get an engine failure etc - if it is an FSAirlines induced failure you will get the screen message, if it's
pilot error then you won't.


29. =================================================

Selecting 'Flight Information' displays details of your booked flight and the aircraft current maintenance
status and fuel state.


30. =================================================

Selecting 'Fly' takes you to the refuelling page of the Client and shows the current fuel status of the
aircraft in the Simulator. You can see three fuel tanks showing a fuel amount and eight fuel tanks are
greyed out. The tanks that are greyed out are available tank options that aircraft designers can use in
the simulator. The Trident 3 has only been configured to use three tanks so these are the only tanks that
are selectable. To the left of the Client window you can see figures against 'initially', 'loaded', 'added',
'price', and 'total'. 'Initially' is the fuel remaining in the aircraft from the previous flight. 'Loaded' is what
the Client is seeing currently loaded in the simulator, 'added' being the difference between 'initial'' and
'loaded'. 'Price' is fuel cost per litre and 'total' is the cost of 'added' fuel. As you change the fuel amounts
in the tanks these figures get adjusted instantly.


31. =================================================

There is currently way too much fuel onboard so let's get that down to a reasonable figure. Remember when
we looked at the training flights available we noted that the previous 17 flights operated on the route had
used an average of 4,200kgs block fuel. That's a good starting point, so I expect to burn that amount of
fuel for the route. It is standard airline practise for fuel planning to have departure fuel of expected block
fuel plus 45 minutes holding fuel plus diversion fuel. So for this flight we would want approx 4200kgs for
the route, 2500kgs holding fuel and 2000kgs diversion fuel. The minimum Departure fuel requirement is
therefore 8700kgs. That fuel has been loaded 3000kgs in each main tank and 2700kgs in the centre.
Notice the figures to the left have changed also. Now that the fuel amount has been set, select 'Fuel Up'
which takes you to the 'Confirm flight' page.


Please note, some payware aircraft (certain PMDG models spring to mind) use their own refuelling module due to the way the fuel tanks
are configured on the aircraft. If you were to use one of these aircraft and try and alter the fuel using the client interface, there would
almost certainly be an error in fuel logging which would cause a flight to be flagged for review at FSAirlines. At CBFS since the introduction
of the Classic Non-British fleet aircraft someone may want to use one of these models. The current procedure for these aircraft is to manually
set your fuel using the model interface before you start the client. Once you have started the client and got to this page, do not alter any of
the fuel amounts pre-entered, just select the 'Fuel Up' button and all should be well. Doing it this way 'compares' the fuel loaded by the module.

32. =================================================

Here, we can adjust the payload if necessary. In this example there is no adjustment needed. Had the
aircraft been overweight, amount would have been showing in red text and the 'Fly' button would not be
visible. If the aircraft was overweight you have the option to select the 'Change' buttons next to Fuel,
Passengers or Cargo. Selecting Fuel change takes you back to the previous fuelling page where you can
make any adjustment if possible - remember your minimum departure fuel. If you cannot reduce the
fuel amount then you can select to change the Passenger or Cargo figures. When you select the either
of these, the Client will reduce the passenger number or cargo amount to take the aircraft overweight
amount off. Cargo usually pays more so reduce passenger numbers as a preference. The fuel is OK and
the payload is within aircraft weight limits so we can select 'Fly' which will allow us to start the flight
and takes us to the Client 'Flying' page


33. =================================================

Here we have the client 'flying' window. Notice that the 'Fly' button has disappeared and we now see a
'Divert' button. If during your flight you experience any problem which makes it necessary to divert, you
need to press this button. Doing so will cause the button to disappear but it means that you can now
land at any airport without incurring a 'Landed at wrong airport' penalty. Notice also that there is some
important 'Debug' information there which you can use during your flight. The most important is the fuel.
Consider this as an auxiliary fuel gauge and monitor it, especially at the start of the flight to ensure the
correct amount of fuel has been loaded/detected by the Client. If the fuel amount increases at any time
then there is a problem. You may have inadvertently stopped at a refuel point at an airport or you may
have selected Control + X during flight. Do NOT allow the simulator to refuel your aircraft after you have
started the flight in the Client. Doing so will result in the flight being marked as a 'Cheat' flight and will
incur a financial penalty, reduction of VA reputation and a flight penalty for the pilot.


34. =================================================

The flight has now landed and you can see the flight state has changed and the 'End Flight' button has
appeared. When you have finished taxiing apply the parking brake and select the 'End Flight' button.


35. =================================================

Having pressed 'End Flight, you will be able to write any comment you wish to make about the flight. If
you have nothing to say just select 'Next' again..........


36. =================================================

Here is the Route summary that will appear on your flight report, press 'Next' again.........

37. =================================================

Here is the Financial summary that will appear on your flight report, press 'Next' again........

38. =================================================

This is the last screen that you will see and will confirm the flight has been uploaded to FSAirlines
successfully. If the website or your internet connection had been down at the time you were submitting
the report, the flight report is saved for upload later and you will get the option to upload when you sign
in to the Client next time.


39. =================================================

If you now go to the FSAirlines website CBFS VA overview page you can see the flight listed in the last
five flights performed by the VA, in this instance it is the last flight performed so is at the top. If the
FSAirlines website had detected a problem with the flight report it gets flagged for review by the
FSAirlines admin staff. A flight which has been flagged will show a small red exclamation mark
immediately after the income dollar value. There is no exclamation mark showing so all looks good.
Let's select the 'i' information button and take a look at the actual Flight Report............


40. =================================================

Here is the Flight Report and all is well.

41. =================================================

Had the flight been flagged for review there would have been a red text message immediately above the
'Pilot in Command' block and would have looked like this


42. =================================================

Just a quick note regarding diverted flights. Each sector of a diverted flight is reported seperately on
FSAirlines and is noted on the report as a diverted flight. Each sector/s prior to arriving at your original
planned destination will show negative income as we still have fuel and catering costs to pay for each
sector. The passenger and cargo revenues for the flights do not get applied until you reach your original
planned destination. The payload that you departed with from your airport of origin is the maximum
payload you will be allowed on subsequent sectors. You are unable to increase payload even if aircraft
weights allowed. You are able to offload payload if you wish but I doubt that would be necessary.

43. =================================================

There isn't a step 43 (yet)

Things to know about FSAirlines and the CBFS VA

At CBFS we have no pilot rosters and no minimum hours requirement - You only fly when & where you
want to. Your Type ratings once gained are valid until 12 months after you have last flown the particular
type. After 12 months of non-flying of the type, the Rating will be revoked. If you want it back, just ask
and you will get a training TR and will be required to operate a two flight 'refresher'.

You need to log on to the FSAirlines at least every three months or FSAirlines deletes your account and
all your flying records. This is an FSAirlines thing and not under our control. You don't have to fly, just
log on.

FSAirlines has an economy model, but that side of things is for the CEO & management deal with. You earn
virtual $ for the airline as you fly & you earn a cut of the airline income.

FSAirlines has a basic 'pilot rating' score, with penalties deducted for any of the following:-
Taxi-speed exceeded 25kts
Landing Lights off below 1000ft
Landing Lights on above FL100
Speed exceeded 250kts below FL100
Aircraft crashed
Exhausting fuel supply
Landing at wrong airport

After landing you have a minute to reduce speed to under 25kt or else you will be hit by a speeding penalty.

You can fly at multiple sim rates, our flightplans allow up to 8x sim rate. If your flight income is in the
black you will get bonus income for flying at 1x, 2x, or 4x sim rate with 1x giving the highest bonus.

As mentioned above, we ask you to fly with
crash detection OFF, and FSAirlines recommend this. There have
been incidents of false crashes, due to invisible objects on the ground & crazy AI etc. The client programme
will still detect a crash if you get yourself in that unfortunate position.

If you get into serious trouble, you can always jump out of FS & close the Client down. If you need to take
this action, pause your sim and minimise it so you can get to the Client and select 'Exit'.This will reset your
flight back to 'Booked' status. Now go back to the sim and get yourself sorted out to fly the flight again.
Useful for short trips in the VC10 when it surprises you by running out of fuel with 2000 kg still on board! HELP

You can cancel a booked flight, but you will be charged virtual $ to pay compensation to the virtual passengers
for messing them about. Current charge is 12.5% of ticket cost per passenger.

If you fail to fly a booked flight within 24 hours, the flight will be automatically cancelled and a cancellation
fee will be charged to you as per if you cancel a flight.

FSAirlines present some basic stats, but we keep detailed stats, fleet and routes info on our own pages, all linked from the VA home page CBFS Virtual Airline.

If in doubt about anything, ask one of us in here & we'll always try to help you out.

CBFS Guidelines

Each aircraft has a designated base or, in most cases, multiple bases. If you fly it - we ask that you bring it
back to a base. Aircraft bases can be found on the CBFS Fleet Status link CBFS Fleet Status - select aircraft
type & click 'Display'. Alternatively, anywhere on the FSAirlines website where you see a registration
hyperlinked, the link will take you to the specific aircraft information page. We have utilised the 'Name' field
to show where the aircraft is based.

These are the 'rules':-

a) A pilot may take any aircraft if it is at one of its designated bases.

b) A pilot is responsible for that aircraft whilst it is away from one of its designated bases.

c) No pilot may take an aircraft if it is away from one of its designated bases - it is to be assumed another
pilot has responsibility of that aircraft.

d) A pilot is not to abandon an aircraft away from one of its designated bases for any extended period of
time. Management pilots reserve the right to relocate aircraft back to a designated base if this occurs.

e) Pilots should not take aircraft if the aircraft status is under 96%.

f) There are no recognised bases for the Dove and as such are available for anyone that needs to transfer
to another airport. If more than one Dove is available, rule e) applies.
Last edited by MALTBY D on 20 Feb 2012, 15:14, edited 13 times in total.
Reason: Update of outdated information

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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by RAF_Quantum »

Hi Guys,

This tutorial has had a comprehensive update to encompass the many changes that have occurred since the original tutorial was made. Please let me know if you find anything wrong.



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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by Ant1981 »

Incase I stupidly missed it, with regards to the flights, is there a specific flight plan to use or should we simply use one created either by FS or any other flight planner?
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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by TSR2 »

Hi Ant, you need to create your own FP using which ever way you choose :)


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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by Ant1981 »

Ben Watson wrote:Hi Ant, you need to create your own FP using which ever way you choose :)
Excellent, thanks. And I assume that it doesn't matter how air trafffic is controlled, Vatsim or any other package? I assume that air traffic controlling isn't of importance, so long as all VA rules are followed? Also, the speed limits to be maintained, are they IAS or GS? Thanks.
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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by DaveB »

Hi Ant :hello:

Yup.. the beauty of FSA is it's flexibility. You can fly DTO, High Level Airways, Low Level Airways, with weather, without weather, online with VATSIM.. however you see fit ;) One thing is a little harsh (I recently noticed) in that all of our routes (with the exception of the Dove which we inserted as a feeder) are accurate but we've had to change the times in many cases as working off an airline timetable, they often have variations to cover weekends, seasons e t c. It doesn't really matter if you fly a flight due to start at 0900GMT at 0900H but FSA logs if you were early or late. I'm not sure if this has any bearing at all but I don't consider it relevant or necessary ;)

Speeds are all IAS so.. up to 250Kias below FL100 (I'd stay a few knots shy to be honest.. especially if you're using real weather) :)


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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by Ant1981 »

Thanks. IAS clock might have trouble showing me 25kts on the ground, but I'm sure I'll cope.

With regarrds to aircraft not being away from base for too long, does this apply to training flights? When I have an aircraft out to complete six training flights, is there a time frame in which I need to bring the aircraft back to base?

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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by DaveB »

Hi Ant :hello:

That's another thing you've hightlighted which again, shouldn't be a problem. When you apply the parking brake at the end of the flight, make sure your aircraft is fully stopped. FSA should be reading groundspeed when you're on the deck but it's always unnerving to see a headwind being recorded by your ASI.. so much so for me, I turn tail into the wind :lol: There was an issue with one of the older betas where FSA was picking up the IAS and NOT groundspeed but this was fixed ;)

There's no defined time to get an aircraft back on station as we understand RW problems can leap in and spoil our day at any moment. As your Trident training flights are all done in the T3 which only has one base (EGLL).. it shouldn't be too difficult to plan ahead and make sure you're back there or within striking distance around the time of your final flight. Once you've successfully completed the 6 flights, let me know and I'll allocate a full rating.. at the same time opening up the T2's. We then ask that you complete a further 10 fare making flights (these can be either T3 or T2 in your case) before you request a rating for another type. You may wish to stay with the Tridents for an indefinate period.. that is your choice.. you don't have to change ;)


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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by Ant1981 »

Well, on mt first training flight, the only time I'm going to get the aircraft back, as I understand it, is on the final flight of the first set of training flights, to Heathrow. Is that correct? Which could then be a week or so.

Also, maybe I should have waited, but I've booked a training flight, but the time to fly it might well be a 12 hour scheduled difference if I fly it tonight (as it departs 10:45), which I'll have to. Will this matter?
Last edited by Ant1981 on 01 Mar 2010, 20:24, edited 1 time in total.
I like this flight simming, it's fun.....


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Re: Flying with FSAirlines & CBFS - An ABC guide

Post by DaveB »

Hi Ant..

I'm not sure where the Trident TF's go to to be honest but if it takes you a week.. it takes you a week ;)

As for flight times, start the sim with the time set 5mins before your departure time then set yourself up. If the flight says it departs the ramp at 1200GMT, you can fly the flight at any time. You don't actually have to fly AT THAT TIME.. it can be 3am real time. Does that make sense??


DaveB B)smk
Old sailors never die.. they just smell that way!

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