CBFS - Awards
(last flight recorded 13-04-2024, 21:59 - Richard Doling)
For Month:

for the month of March 2024

     Add your award to your forum signature

Most Flights

1Adrian Smith16
2Panos Thomas12

Most Miles

1Adrian Smith6,552 nm
2Panos Thomas4,888 nm

Most Hours

1Adrian Smith22.6 h
2Panos Thomas21.5 h

Most Hours

(1x Sim Rate)
1Adrian Smith22.6 h
2Panos Thomas17.1 h

Highest Paid

1Adrian Smith41,462 v$
2Panos Thomas14,808 v$

Highest Profit

1Adrian Smith5.87 Mv$
2Panos Thomas2.10 Mv$

Best Rated

1Adrian Smith100.25100.00 %
2Panos Thomas100.19100.00 %

Add your award to your forum signature

You can leave this award image in your forum signature forever.
After a month the image will become blank, unless you win another award next month.

Below is an example of the code needed to display your FSAirlines signature & CBFS Award signature together.

Pilot Award Image Code to add into your Forum Signature to display the image
Adrian Smith [img]https://www.cbfsim.co.uk/cbfsim/g-cbfs/Images/Adrian_Smith_Shield.png[/img]