FSAirlines Beta Bugs

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FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by RAF_Quantum »

Any bugs found in the FSAirlines Beta, please report them here with as much info as possible and I will forward them to FlyNET/FSAirlines

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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by Tomb »

a biggie, i can book a flight

but come flytime, client does not run, it appears in the task bar but the login turns red and no starter page

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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by RAF_Quantum »

Hi Bob,

Don't know if you had a previous FSA client pre-beta but if you have dump it all including the FSAirlines ini file in C:\WINDOWS and then start with the fresh client download.



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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by TSR2 »

Any Vista users will have to right click on the exe and select run as administrator otherwise it doesn't see FS as running. (Thats FSX in my case, not sure if it makes a difference.)

Other than that, a standard flight to Aldergrove. I'll try and break it on the way back. :cpu:


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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by DaveB »

I've run one flight and did my best to get caught.. turned the landing lights off below 1000ft and didn't turn them back on. Turned an engine off. Landed at Shoreham. Got an error prior to closing the FSA client so am back at Croydon again. Will try harder this time! :) (FS9 btw)

For the re-flight, I selected 'Show Text' in the setup box and got all the right bongs and warning for lights off below 1000ft. I also diverted.. twice :lol: The first was back to Croydon soon after takeoff and the second at Gatwick enroute Shoreham. We'll see what state I'm in when I check it later ;-) There seems to be no provision for speeding on the ground now as you get a ding-dong when your wheels leave the ground indicating start of flight and a further ding-dong soon after they touch down again. Works for me :lol:

For the unsure.. keep hitting the 'fly' button until it eventually tells you you can start your flight (having first taken on fuel that is) :)

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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by RAF_Quantum »

Hi Dave,

Re your error prior to closing the client, was that a Flight Sim error or a client error?



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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by DaveB »

Hi John..

A client error matey ;-)

Just picked the flight up again expecting to be at Redhill (not Gatwick as I said above).. my second diversion landing.. and the flight was active for me from Croydon. I'm not sure yet if this means you can land anywhere using 'Emergency' but.. you will have to restart the flight from the original departure airport IF you close the client.. or simply if the 'auto route' to final destination doesn't yet work. It let me land back at Croydon yesterday then, with the client open, I took off again then declared another emergency and landed at Redhill.. having waited for the FSA box to tell me that I could land anywhere I wanted to.. if that makes sense :)

Seems a bit pointless not being able to continue from the emergency field once the client has been closed.. just as easy to bugout :think:

I'll try something similar again this afternoon and see what happens ;-)


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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by RAF_Quantum »

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the info. Will have to try a few more divs, close client and see where it leaves us. If it consistantly returns you to origin then that's a big bug. Re my question regarding the error, I wonder if it was your engine shutdown which caused the client to hiccup. Might be worth shutting one down on another flight and see if error replicates. Damn, wish I had time to get a couple of flights in but work is getting in the way and we are off out tonight to a wedding reception. Hopefully I'll get a couple of flights in on Monday.

Interestingly reading some of the posts at FlyNET it looks like the current 'out of date' data at FSA will get a copy transferred across tomorrow of the current FlyNET database. I think this is due to the large number of changes/new members joined since May. Easier just to take another snapshot. This means of course that these flights you are currently doing will get lost in the ether.



P.S. Did you look at our multiplier :lol:

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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by DaveB »

Hi John..

No mate.. didn't look at the multiplier. Will have a giggle when I rebook ;-)

I'm gonna rebook to Croydon again in a few mins and the intention is to divert to Gatwick with an engine cut. Will then close the client and see where I end up :)


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Re: FSAirlines Beta Bugs

Post by DaveB »

Hi John..

All didn't quite go according to plan this time. Took off from Shoreham and when a few miles from Gatwick, I cut the LH engine then went to the client page to declare an emergency. Having hit the emergency button, it disappeared and I didn't get the page saying that I could land anywhere. However.. I continued on to Gatwick and landed.. ding dong received. Closed client. Checked at FSA and found 2 flights recorded from Shoreham to Gatwick :o

Went to book onward flight and saw 'flight already booked'. Logged out of FSA and reopened client. No way visible for me to continue. 3 options showing in the window.. show info, upload info, delete info (info not the exact word but you get the drift). Having chosen to 'delete' report (for want of something else to do).. the page then changed to the normal pre-flight. Selected Fly and continued selecting fly with no fuel taken until the 'you may start your flight now' screen showed.

Returned to sim.. started up and took off. Intention was to divert again.. this time to Redhill. No engine out this time.. hit the emergency button and it disappeared. No advice for me to continue to airfield of my choice so rather than risk it again.. continued on to Croydon. Landed ok.. got ding dong.. then another Client error (FSAirlines.exe being the module).. C++ call being the fault. On hitting the 'ok' button, the warning box and client both closed. As the flight had already ended (ding-dong) it wasn't lost. However, the flightlog still shows 3 flights when there were only two.

Not sure WTF is going on mate :dunno:


DaveB :tab:
Old sailors never die.. they just smell that way!

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