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Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 22:15
by DaveB
Knowing her.. she'll sit there quivering with her tail between her legs. She's the only gun dog I know of who's afraid of guns :lol:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 14:36
by Tako_Kichi
DaveB wrote:Knowing her.. she'll sit there quivering with her tail between her legs. She's the only gun dog I know of who's afraid of guns :lol:
Sorry Dave but I just can't help but laugh at this comment! :lol:

Our last dog was a Yellow Lab and they are supposed to be 'water dogs' i.e. love water and generally you have a tough time keeping them out of any water. Ours HATED water and would not go near it other than to drink it, but she would lie in the pouring rain all day if we'd let her! :wall:

We now have an English Springer Spaniel, another gun/water dog, but he hates water too! :dunno:

We have a huge lake (200 miles long x 60 miles wide) just 1 mile south of us and can't get him to go anywhere near it.

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 17:50
DaveB wrote: Not sure what's in the box looks like £70 but I'm sure I'll have fun with it.
I thought the very same mate.

It seems so basic. But you do get a lot of kit for your money and the transmitter uses 2.4Ghz which is pretty state of the art for RC flying.

Allows for excellent distance and height. Range issues will not concern you whatsoever.

It'll fly away from you until you can no longer see it! :lol:

Careful handling the tail Dave. Its easily the most fragile part of the aircraft and also the most complicated.

The rudder and elevators are all very brittle. I have already gone through a couple of tails.

If you do damage it there are plenty of places that do spares. Its a very popular model. :thumbsup:

Hope you enjoy the first flight. Let us know how you get on. B-)

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 19:43
by DaveB
Yes, our's loves water which is something I suppose. The West Berks gun club is probably 4miles away as the crow flies and with the wind in the right direction, she can here the guns fire. That's it.. tail under and in she comes :lol: I say she likes water but she doesn't like rain. She'll sit out in it and roll on the grass fine but if she's inside, she lies cowering and shaking at the bottom of the stairs. No idea what the hell she thinks is going to happen but she doesn't like it :lol:

Yo Eddie :hello:
Rgr on the tail. I'd noticed it looked a tad brittle and will try to be careful not to put it in harms way ;) Been up to the Midlands today to get my final 'moving' van and on the doorstep was my first package to the new address.. a pack of 3 batteries for the Champ. I'd better hide them before SWMBO see's them or my name's Brown! :lol: I'll put them in the Champs box next to the other one.. she'll be none the wiser ;)
Sitting looking at the model yesterday, I noticed the prop and prop shaft looks level with the model sitting on all 3 paws. Put the aircraft level and the prop appears to point down. Odd I thought so I had a look in the nose and everything appears to be where it should be so I guess this attitude is normal :)
Both the girls keep telling me I can't have it until my birthday but secretly, I think they want to see it flying too. I've convinced myself of this and planned a 'Bruntingthorpe Victor' style 'Ooops'.. it shouldn't have taken off, honest :lol:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 20:08
by Garry Russell
This reminds me of a bod on one of the modelling forums who wanted a big Sea Vixen kit for Christmas.

He got it from SWMBO but was not allowed it until the day and was put 'out of bounds in the cupboard

So he got another large kit out of his stash, crept down in the middle of the night carefully undid the seal, took all the bits and bobs out the box and filled it with the other kit carefully sealing the sticky disc again.

It was well on the go by the time Santa came :lol:

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 20:19
by DaveB
:lol: :lol:

I like it a lot :lol:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 20:30
DaveB wrote: the prop appears to point down
Perfectly normal matey. ;)

Not entirely sure why it's like that but that's the design.

If your anything like me you'll be watching the local weather hoping for a calm day! :lol:

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 21:46
by DaveB
:lol: :lol:

Tks mate ;) I did look at the weather today as it happens. I've taken the Champ up to the Midlands and left it there but.. Helen and I are going back with a van load of stuff tomorrow so who knows. I don't think Helen would grass me up but she has let things slip before which I've had difficulty explaining :lol: On her last trip on the ZX9, I took her up to.. well, let's say a little over the national limit and bless her.. they were doing a 'time and speed' problem at school and Helen told them how fast she'd been. The teacher used this as an example :-O :wall: 'Helen.. you can't go around telling folk how fast you've been.. daddy could get nicked' :lol: I can persuade her to keep 'mum' now with a decent bottle of wine ;)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 13:37
Hi Dave,

Looking forward to hearing the debrief on the maiden flight matey.

Hope the move is going smoothly. :hello:

Here's a little snippet from yesterday. Wing view showing the ailerons doing their magic.

Re: Flying for Real..

Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 20:51
by DaveB
:lol: :lol:

Hi Eddie :hello:

Dear me.. after seeing that, I doubt I'd be able to resist the temptation to get some sort of video telemetry back off that little recorder (or swap it for a camera) and attack the golfers from a distance :lol:
I've really wanted to get the Champ up over the last couple of days.. the weather has been great with very low to calm winds here, especially early evening but.. I'm having an eye kept on me :worried: I am, at some point very soon, going to charge all 4 batteries and lay 'puppy dog' eyes on SWMBO. I've also considered telling her the long range forecast for April is poor :lol:
We're getting there with the unpacking.. I've washed the windows and mowed the lawns.. fixed a leak.. charged the battery on the Triumph.. more car loads of rubbish to the tip and half of the loft is already full. I need to go out tomorrow and buy some more loft decking! 8) She will have no option but to succumb to my charms soon :lol:
DaveB B)smk