Another One Bites the Dust!

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Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by speedbird591 »

Hi guys. Some of you may have read my post a week or two back about the wonderful treatment I got on the NHS when I was referred to the Ambulatory Care clinic because of a lung infection. Some of you have also enquired how I've been doing.

I've just completed three weeks of antibiotics for the infection but all the doctors that I met were adamant that something must have caused it - hence the thorough tests. I've suspected for some time that the news was not going to be good and the consultant I saw last week tells me that the CT scan shows that I have mesothelioma. This is a rare cancer that is caused by inhaling asbestos dust and has an incubation period of 40-50 years! I still have to have a biopsy to assess how advanced it is and then a final assessment by the consultant with some sort of palliative care treatment that ends up with me drifting off into the sunset.

I've never worked with asbestos but in the 60s and 70s I serviced my motorcycles with drum brakes and asbestos in the shoes. I was constantly blowing brake dust out of the drum and scuffing up the shoes with a file to get more braking power. I've read that auto mechanics, even amateurs, from those years are considered high risk because of this.

I've already spoken to some of the forum members by PM and the management have agreed to let me post this news as I wondered if it was inappropriate. I'm really quite sanguine and relaxed about the news as I've had a remarkably good life and will be leaving the family in a comfortable situation.

I'm quite happy to talk about what's happening to me and my philosophy and also the practical aspects. As a lot of people don't like facing up to death I thought it might be helpful to talk openly here as it may help others prepare. The thing is, it's going to happen to every one of us eventually and there aren't many easy exits. The only difference between me and you is that I know how and will soon know when! Having notice allows me to 'put my affairs in order' and make the transition for Karen as easy as possible.

Anyway, there'll be plenty of time to chat about it (or not!) if you want to. Please don't make a fuss or treat me any differently, I'm not in the least sensitive or depressed and happy to answer any questions. I know I'm not the only forum member with serious health problems but everybody deals with it differently. I've always been one for speaking openly about myself but I appreciate that others have to deal with things differently and I hope that they are not upset by my approach.

Hopefully I haven't depressed you too much. Sorry if I have :lol:

Ian :)

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by Tomliner »

May I just say that in response to this shockingly sad news,via pms which we have been exchanging,I know that Ian is very happy for humorous postings to continue.I would also say that I am so moved and impressed with the way that Ian is dealing with this.EricT
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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by TSR2 »

I'd expect no less from our Ian. ;)

And thanks for being open about it too. I know its not every ones way to be open, but personally speaking I think its great that you feel able to chat about it, and hopefully it may help others too.

Thanks for posting mate :cheers:


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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by cstorey »

Dear Ian : I am very shaken to hear this news . Unfortunately I have had quite a number of connections professionally with mesothelioma and thus there is no disguising the fact that this is bleak news for you. The one bright spot is that your undoubted aerobic fitness with your cycling etc probably gives you more time in any event, and a much better chance of surviving and benefiting from surgery if this should be contemplated. Your bravery in posting this can only be admired enormously and we shall be hoping that something can be done to help you

PS I realise that I too am in the same high risk category for the same reasons, which is a bit sobering

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by dodger »

Hello Ian,

I am very sorry to hear your news mate, while i do not know you personally i find that via the Forum over the years we do find a sort of friendship on here,

Not much i can say Ian except keep your chin up and a positive mind,

Bless you,

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by airboatr »

You're a cool cat in my book Ian. all the way around
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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by Dev One »

Sorry to hear of your news, but it goes to show how one can be unlucky with ones genes. I'm 5 years over my allotted time, have worked with asbestos loaded brake shoes in my youth, fitted asbestos lagging around fuel transfer pipes on Valiants in the 50's, & fitted old used asbestos roofing panels to my garage back in the 60's. Fortunately I have not so far contracted any pulmonary asbestos related disease, although a DVT caused a pulmonary embolism from which I recovered thanks to the doctors in Shrewsbury back in 2000. (The latter is hereditary).
I wish you well & am sure that a lot of recovery is a state of mind, so relax,& enjoy life as much as your body & mind can stand.

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by ChrisHunt »

Hi Ian, not at all good news but as you say there really is only one exit door for all of us (or one of two or even revolving for the reincarnationists amongst us!). In that case you really had ought to get a reasonably quick mode of transport to thoroughly explore all your FTX regions! I really do hope that you have the opportunity to at least enjoy most of the time that you have left!


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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by speedbird591 »

Thank you all for your empathy and kind thoughts, it helps a lot.

As you say, Keith, there's a lot of luck involved and however healthily you try to live there are numerous unlikely things that can still catch you out. I used to think that I'd done really well to get to 66 without suffering a serious illness or accident but then it made me nervous because I felt that I'd used up my portion of luck. I needn't have worried about that, after all :doh:

I've just watched a recording of that NHS in a day program (perhaps not the best entertainment under the circumstances :lol: ). There are so many people suffering awful lives because of illness and I don't feel that my situation is one of the worst by any means. What does piss me off - and has done for many years - is watching otherwise healthy people trying to kill themselves by eating junk food, drinking liquid sugar and smoking cigarettes! As if there weren't enough things trying to kill you without doing it to yourself! As you can imagine, I was ruthlessly sarcastic with them at work and promised I'd be dancing on their graves :lol: Er, I might keep quiet about that now :worried:

Ian :lol:

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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Post by NigelC »

Respect Ian :thumbsup:

Having had a close call myself last year, I can empathise with your feelings. Fortunately, mine was, whilst extremely rare, eminently treatable although I will live with the effects for the rest of my life.

I am extremely pleased to see the manner in which you seem to be taking this terrible news, I still remember the thump of the pit of my stomach hitting the floor when told I had a tumour in my head, it's an awful feeling.

To have your family and friends around you to support you is a fantastic thing. You have many friends here who am sure will be there for you in anyway they can, I know that sometimes I found it good to talk about things with people outside of my family and close friends, if only to take the pressure of them for a while.

Keep on keeping on, and indulge yourself in whatever takes your fancy (maybe not that little blonde behind the counter at Boots!)


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